No lie; JESUS will fix IT!!! This is one of my favorite songs to dance to when dancing on that Dead, Unrepentant, Volunteer slave's, dead ass grave! "Dear" low, ignorant, volunteer SLUT for satan, my failure to recognize the fact you were indeed a sick, sadistic, psychotic, malignant narcissist, for Eighty-eight years, does not qualify me as stupid. You only proved that you were always DESPICABLE! ALWAYS A PATHOLOGICAL LIAR! ALWAYS SEXUALLY PERVERTED AND CONFUSED! ALWAYS EXTREMELY JEALOUS, ENVIOUS AND GREEDY. Yes, martha, everything you accused all Black people, all people of color of being. You lying WHORE! Just where did years, years, and years, of preaching so eloquently, and convincingly, get you? You can NOT scrub my memory, you lying whore! While I claim that you, and djt are demon possessed, I think you two maggots make satan ashamed to know you. You can't repent now, you flung piece of vermin but, I CAN BRAG! I CAN BEAM BECAUSE ALL...
YES!!! AWESOME! Time: (late) 1950s Place: 6C Honeycutt Road, Fort Bragg, North Carolina Condition: Enslaved by my perverted, psychotic, sadistic, birth mother; martha jane walters hodges doster watson lamoureaux Dear World; please accept these "Confessions of a RunAway Teacher" as the 'WHOLE TRUTH!!! AND NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH!!! SO HELP ME GOD!!!" First, permit me to brag a little extra, to strut a little longer, hold my head a little higher, to take a few moments, to thank The HOLY SPIRIT, while admiring " a little bit of me". (Picture me BEAMING) DELIVERED!!! How did I do it? IT wasn't me, IT IS THE HOLY GHOST!!! I do have to LOL, knowing, imagining , what that old slutty, mathy jane, really felt. What a piece of shit!!! A fe/male/male djt-rump, from 1925. HORROR UNLEASHED!!! Baby RAPE!!! MURDERS! MAYHEM!!! HIDDEN IN THE KKKHURCH!!!! Bitch!!! "What is done in the dark, shall surely come to light." If you ever, seriously believed in...