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Aretha Franklin - Mary, Don't You Weep (Official Audio) Excerpt : BOOK OF ROME

THE fact that the "Civil Rights Movement" has proved to be just another ploy designed, planted and preserved by evildoers, is no reason for me to give up. Numberr one; "I know what I know". Yes! I'm BEAMING!!! OVER THE MOON! I know what I know! BEAMING!!! True, there are times when I remember much too clearly. "Gee-mo-neely-shelly!" "SHA ZITTTT". "I know there is a GAWD!" Sure, I can laugh now...but ..."If it hadn't been for GOD on my side!" LORD HAVE MERCY! I do have to laugh. I , (We) survived an ignorant imp, so deplorable, people want to pretend "you" are the problem. No! No! NO! My Color, my gender, even my dementia , can't make me erase the atrocities , that low slut for satan,  was able to make me suffer (in secret) for my entire  long life. i am not ASHAMED!!! If anyone should be ashamed, it is those silent backbiters.  Those that demand to keep mathy's despicable shit "private". Tho
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