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The Best of Soul Music: Marvin Gaye, Luther Vandross, Stevie Wonder & Mo... "Come here...lean in"

"First of all giving Honor to GOD, who is the head of my life."; is, was,  perhaps the first phrase every "Black Christian" must fully embrace before s/he is "included", accepted or considered worthy of "love". "Church Attendance" is a MUST! Hold up! Notice I didn't say anything about sincerely and righteously "living right". Just look the part, fake the funk. If you ever really wanted to mislead and fool people, preach, quote the Bible excessively and look prosperous.
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Sam Cooke - A Change Is Gonna Come (Official Lyric Video) COME YE OUT FROM AMONG THEM!!!

BULLSHIT!  I deliberately began this blog with a "curse" word, some would call vulgar, just to prove a point; WE THE PEOPLE , have been lulled to sleep. WE THE PEOPLE  are not only comatose, We are "Toast"! Be glad you can't hear the Scream , blasting inside my old, feeble, demented Brain! This old sick, sadistic, SUCCUBUS birthed me. Not because s/he wanted to, it seems old mathy jane , had to. The "Good Christians" judged all, demanded that every female, regardless of age, status or condition, be forced to not only carry their "mistake" to term but, to pretend to love and nurture IT. Talk about "Ain't studdin' you", don't want you, I actually hate your muthafuckin' guts , and I fully intend to stalk you until the day you die, prematurely. My "premature death" was certainly the only "Love" satan's side piece, martha jane walters hodges doster watson lamoureaux,  ever had for me. I am on this


BEAMING!!! No, it could not have happened one moment too some. Yes, I'm grooving. Marked Safe by The HOLY SPIRIT! Protected by The HOLY SPIRIT  all of my days! (GOD saw you SLUT! Every baby you murdered! Molested! Burned! Branded! Scalded!Stabbed! Shot! Brutalized! Raped! Rooted, deliberately led astray, lied on,  and forced into captivity. and made sure you ruined!  martha! martha! martha! Just lke t Rump you were glad, actually proud,  to be HORROR UNLEASHED! Well, "As for me and my house, we shall ALWAYS TELL THE TRUTH!" You slithered on this good Earth for eighty-eight years, proud to serve satan, to lie, to practice evil, to kill and destroy. Now reap! Thank you for purely hating me! You saved me from being YOU! Absolutely Saved! Delivered from an Evil Entity! A "hue-man" wo/man more monster than "mother". More greedy, ravenous, sick, sadistic , perverted SLUT than whore,  than ordained pastor. "Shun the very presence of evil."!

Aretha Franklin - Mary, Don't You Weep (Official Audio) Excerpt : BOOK OF ROME

THE fact that the "Civil Rights Movement" has proved to be just another ploy designed, planted and preserved by evildoers, is no reason for me to give up. Numberr one; "I know what I know". Yes! I'm BEAMING!!! OVER THE MOON! I know what I know! BEAMING!!! True, there are times when I remember much too clearly. "Gee-mo-neely-shelly!" "SHA ZITTTT". "I know there is a GAWD!" Sure, I can laugh now...but ..."If it hadn't been for GOD on my side!" LORD HAVE MERCY! I do have to laugh. I , (We) survived an ignorant imp, so deplorable, people want to pretend "you" are the problem. No! No! NO! My Color, my gender, even my dementia , can't make me erase the atrocities , that low slut for satan,  was able to make me suffer (in secret) for my entire  long life. i am not ASHAMED!!! If anyone should be ashamed, it is those silent backbiters.  Those that demand to keep mathy's despicable shit "private". Tho

Joy & Pain "If there be any Joy"

"If there be any J<3Y..." I'm pretty sure I tasted it a few times in this long, not too long, life. I do know that I'm clinging with all the hope,  and love I have in me, to remain "sane". I know harsh angry words stir up anger. I know all liars RAGE, crucify, indict, intimidate, bully, and cast you down when confronted. I know I do not want to be a Burden. I know that I am. I know my brain is fried. I know my low slutty, root working "mother",  and her flying monkeys,  did a job on me. However, today has actually been quite wonderful. How anybody can sit up under "dodo brown",  and call him potus, something honorable, is beyond me.  But, then I know that martha jane walters hodges doster watson lamoureaux preached, prayed, blessed, anointed and ruled for EVER. (That slut like not to ever died) To this very day , very few, if any, have a negative word to say about her. Why? Do people believe her bullshit about being Madame Watson? Or,

I'm Tore Down .... Not Quite!

It is incredible! (insert video of Hurston's Book) INCREDIBLE!!! World, do know that wo/man , Madame Watson/Rev Watson,  did blast my soul clean out of my body, assaulted me with that two-edged tongue of hers. "You'll be the ONE to betray me!"  Just like her stanking ass was Jesus,  and I was Judas. It was the other way around "Mongrel maggot"! Just like that orange turd, mathy was  not going to be corrected, stopped, hindered or known, period.   It was "Mother's Day" (2005). I remember vividly. I was wearing a pink , three piece linen suit. I was pretty fat that day, over two hundred and twenty pounds.  Every bit four foot eleven.  Was I ashamed, embarrassed? According to my "mother" I was a loser, due to my "complexion". It was always just too bad that I missed out on the "high yalla" gene. My LORD! My LORD! To this very day, Color Struck imps make me want to HOLLAR! My grandfather reminded us, everyday, "We

The New Birth - Wild Flower (Lyrics) Wild Flower Growing Wild

Growing and GLOWING!  Yes ! GOD you are truly AWESOME! There exists a wide space between my ears that holds the most precious memories of what should have been a near perfect childhood. Yes, my childhood innocents is married by some evil, demonic, sick, sadistic, incestuous filthy "parents".  So what? It worked in my favor. I am a phenomenal woman! I am a Truth Teller! I am BEAMING! I AM ON FIRE WITH THE HOLY GHOST !!!