Another AWESOME Day! Another day delivered from creatures too cruel, ignorant , and demon possessed to be believed. WHEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWWW! WOW! Marked Safe! Delivered from the clutches of a Mongrel Monstrosity! Delivered from lying imps and pimps. Delivered from ever maggot that slutty witch, "martha jane walters" caused Me to suffer. Yes LORD, Yes LORD,Yes LORD; that wo/man , that ENTITY that delighted in torturing, demeaning, reducing, beating, molesting, raping, deliberately ruining every life s/he touched for Eighty-Eight Years, is finally being revealed. I no longer seek the companionship of those that would rather hate Me, or shun Me, than ever admit, such a Creature ever lived. Give Me My Due! I demand My due! I survived that low maggot slut, her "men",her voodoo, her purpose and her plan! I rejoice! I stand TALL!Yes, I will brag on Myself if I have to. I know what I know! I am NOT ashamed! I am Proud! Number 37 out of 637! That is GOD! That is The HOLY SPIRI...