Yes, I'm BEAMING! Am I Screaming? YES!!! Why did IT take me so long, so many countless , wasted days and nights, to finally realize, my birth-ER was never more than a confused, complicated, perverted, demon possessed whore? Was IT for my protection? Or , was I just TERRIFIED? Was I simply afraid to know, to face My, Our, Awful Truth? Or, is IT simply GOD's "Timing"? Why would GOD, My loving Father , reveal to Me Truths that would devastate Me? Had I known, fully recognized the fact that my own "mother" viciously raped Me, along with her Black ass, Perverted, huzzband, VICIOUSLY RAPED ME, WHEN I WAS EIGHT YEATS OLD! THE LOW SLUTS FOR sATAN THREATENED MY LIFE IF I EVER TOLD!!! How did the Buzzards repent of their INCEST! Ongoing, never ceasing Pedophilia? By sitting their stanking, rotting, deomon possessed , common black asses up in Wesley Chapel AMEZ Church (Wade, NC) Every fucking Sunday! LYING! CREEPING! PRETENDING! Then the stanking whore, cl...