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Showing posts from May, 2023

Otis Redding - I Want to Thank You

Otis Redding - I Want to Thank You (Excerpt from THE BOOK OF ROME)

Monday, May 15, 2023 AWESOME! AWESOME! AWESOME! DELIVERED!!! My LORD!!! MyLORD!!! Who knew that I , (We) were born into the DIRECT CLUTCHES of a Sick, Sadistic, Demon Possessed , LUNATIC? GOD.  Yes, My GOD knew when (HE) formed Me (Us) in the "Belly of that Beast", THOT (that 'Hoe Out There), MAGGOT, poor excuse for a Hue-Man being, that all of Our lives were going to be Rough.  Not ignorant, not forsaken, just Rough. THANK YOU LORD for Delivering Me (?US?) , some of Us,  from that Horror Unleashed. I am not sorry for those that demand that I Shut Up, that  I take My (Our) secrets,  to My (Our) grave. Why? I didn't even like the Bitch, the Whore, the Ignorant DULLARD, always a common THIEF! Worthless! IMMORAL! A PERVERT!!! Cunning! Simply an Imp. Good Scripture teaches Us that an Imp's feet are swift to run to mischief.  That was mathy jane , alright. Ignorant! Violent! Uncontrollable! UnTeachable! Always a slick, slimy , vile serpent, hiding in the woodpil...

Jr. Walker & The All-Stars - Shotgun (Excerpt from THE BOOK OF ROME)

Yes! You're Still AWESOME! My LORD Jesus! RESCUER! DELIVERER!  It was some time in September, 1969! It was my first day on the campus of North Carolina A&T State University. Back then Freshmen had to arrive a full week ahead of upperclassmen. We were over Five thousand strong, perhaps it was only two thousand, none the less WE were the "Largest Class" to ever enter . I'm not sure now why that was something WE cheered, bragged about. I do remember, shall never forget my first day as a "College Freshman". It was sullied, marred. I was deliberately made miserable by my own shitty "mother". Yes! SHITTY as in IMMORAL! Shitty as in PERVERTED! Untrustworthy! HORROR UNLEASHED! Yet, a creature , an ENTITY, devious enough to secure a LICENSE TO PREACH! HORROR UNLEASHED! Why? PROPHESIED !!! Before I will continue permitting My  demon possessed enemies to persecute Me, I'll call them out. They hate the Truth. No, they are not honest, No, no good reside...

Marvin Gaye / You're A Wonderful One-(Excerpt from The BOOK OF ROME)

Yes, I'm BEAMING! Am I Screaming? YES!!! Why did IT take me so long, so many countless , wasted days and nights,  to finally realize, my birth-ER was never more than a confused, complicated, perverted, demon possessed whore? Was IT for my protection? Or , was I just TERRIFIED? Was I simply afraid to know, to face My, Our, Awful Truth? Or, is IT simply GOD's "Timing"?  Why would GOD, My loving Father ,  reveal to Me Truths that would devastate Me? Had I known, fully recognized the fact that my own "mother" viciously raped Me, along with her Black ass,  Perverted,  huzzband, VICIOUSLY RAPED ME,  WHEN I WAS EIGHT YEATS OLD! THE LOW SLUTS FOR sATAN THREATENED MY LIFE IF I EVER TOLD!!! How did the Buzzards repent of their INCEST! Ongoing, never ceasing Pedophilia? By sitting their stanking, rotting, deomon possessed , common black asses up in Wesley Chapel AMEZ Church (Wade, NC) Every fucking Sunday! LYING! CREEPING! PRETENDING!  Then the stanking whore, cl...