Yes, I'm BEAMING! Am I Screaming? YES!!! Why did IT take me so long, so many countless , wasted days and nights, to finally realize, my birth-ER was never more than a confused, complicated, perverted, demon possessed whore?
Was IT for my protection? Or , was I just TERRIFIED? Was I simply afraid to know, to face My, Our, Awful Truth? Or, is IT simply GOD's "Timing"?
Why would GOD, My loving Father , reveal to Me Truths that would devastate Me? Had I known, fully recognized the fact that my own "mother" viciously raped Me, along with her Black ass, Perverted, huzzband, VICIOUSLY RAPED ME, WHEN I WAS EIGHT YEATS OLD! THE LOW SLUTS FOR sATAN THREATENED MY LIFE IF I EVER TOLD!!!
How did the Buzzards repent of their INCEST! Ongoing, never ceasing Pedophilia? By sitting their stanking, rotting, deomon possessed , common black asses up in Wesley Chapel AMEZ Church (Wade, NC) Every fucking Sunday! LYING! CREEPING! PRETENDING!
Then the stanking whore, closet lez bee ian continued her (secret) Torture, Persecution, disguized as her "Birth Tax" for Sixty-Two years! Yes! LORD< the IgnorantWhore! The volunteer Prostitute Charged all of her "live births" a tax. The low whore for satan , enslaved ALL OF US immediately, upon birth,
Yes, martha jane walters was a FREAK. Why? Vacuous! Empty! A Dullard! A Jezebel SLUT! HORROR UNLEASHED! a *rump. An ENTITY, a fould diseased thing , controlled by the same evil spirits that control that clow that stole, soiled, RUINED this CONtry.
FOOLS that seriously believe they actually have "Power". FOOLS, so primitive, so backward, so TOXIC, they demand to win without any resistance. Yes, the m a gg OTS are that Stupiod.
Why? S/he was not chosen. "Many are called, few are chosen." martha was definately NOT CHOSEN! Why would OUR Loving GOD ever choose a Sadistic, Malignant Narcissist? A jealous, enious, Pathological Liar?
GOD didn't. The low whore for satan , chose her self.
What a waste! Seriousl!? martha jane walters, were you ever, really , as dumb as you pretended? NO! But, You were Demon possessed.
I REBUKE you highly. No, your are not smilimng from your corrupt, unrepentant grave. All your stolen sermons mean nothing.
Do know, on this Mother's Day I am Jubilant! Estatic! Over the Moon! Thanking My Grandfather for bing the Best Mother any child of GOD could ever have!
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