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Showing posts from February, 2024

Muddy Waters & Johnny Winter / My Eyes Keep me In Trouble

Yes! Straight "Pimping"! Understanding deeply. Yes, counting all of My Blessings! "Growing and Going".  Finally knowing or re-knowing. "s/he" called Me; "Too Fat!" "Too Black", "Too Opinated", "Too Hard Luck", "Too Weird", "Too Honest", "Too Old", Too Loud", "Too Masculine". Perhaps so. But, you "mister mam", you're too fucking GAY! You knew damn well when you persued Me, you had no fucking interest! Of course you have the right to be "Homosexual", "Bi-sexual", what ever description fits you.  You don't have the right to fool wo/men with your lying, greedy, ignorant, "color struck", confused , "Christian" ass. You've never, ever,  bothered to read the Bible you have the audacity to judge Me with. Too bad, if you hadn't been such a jealous, envious, greedy, ignorant, un-teachable, un-reachable, imp...maybe yo...

Junior Wells & Buddy Guy - Live in Japan BEAMING!!!

BEAMING! SINGING! " I b'live I'll run on...see what the end gon'be." Opting to Be, to represent the lowest "spiecies" to ever slither on this good Earth shall NEVER earn you the place "you" demand. Old low, pathological lying, fake ass, heartless, sadistic, ignorant ass, "color struck" , you had Eighty=Eight years to repent, to improve, to save others. No, your low, sick , dementented, racist ass, deliberately chose to be a "trump".  True, you had every right to brag, to feel victorious.  I have only one question...was IT worth IT?

The Doors - Little Red Rooster BEAMING!!!

Awesome! AWESOME! AWESOME! BEAMING! World, I was born into the clutches of a two headed Viper! A wo/man totally VOID of any sense of decency, decorum, kindness or compassion.  No,never had a "sho-nuff Dad". (I know now, that low life slut, birthed Us without "fathers", deliberately.) "No father",  in evidence, was not only My reality but, something that closet whore delighted in reminding Me of, "Every fucking day of My Black Ass Nigger-Ass Life!".  My so-called "mother",  was not only a serious Whore, s/he was a "high end" prostitute, a Con artist; (Madame Watson, Madame Rico, etc) World! The low whore for satan always claimed her white "coor" and "good hair" , was some gift from GOD , and s/he could do "just like s/he pleased"! No shit!  Mainly,  martha suffered from a form of "self imposed" ignorance,  and extremely  low morales! As a matter of fact, that wo/man , that had the audacit...

Bob Marley & The Commodores - Easy Waiting (Dj Zeds Video mashup) AWESOME!!!

I count IT a "miracle"! Yes, I am indeed "Awe Struck". Yes, IT is fire shut up in My bones. Yes! I am standing flat footed on (His) WORD! I am rescued! Delivered! Made whole! Spared! Blessed! Anointed! Engulfed in (His) Grace and Mercy! BEAMING because the volunteer SUCCUBUS is dead, rotting and Flung into the "Outer Realm". I feel Great! I can't help It and I have no desire to hide IT! A lie is a lie, is a Lie! How can your screaming, hollering, raging, threatening to annihilate Me, going to cause Me, to bow down to any evildoer? I Shall Not! Anyone that seriously believes The HOLY SPIRIT  is "new to this", is sadly mistaken. Why any of Us ever succumbed to *mjw is not the stupidity, curse, bad luck, s/he claimed. IT IS ALL IN DIVINE ORDER! "Time changes all things."; my GrandDADDY, Rome Walters, taught me. He also taught Me; "What am seen, can't be denied." Yesterday, early in the morning, while sitting at my desk, p...