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The Doors - Little Red Rooster BEAMING!!!

Awesome! AWESOME! AWESOME! BEAMING! World, I was born into the clutches of a two headed Viper! A wo/man totally VOID of any sense of decency, decorum, kindness or compassion. 
No,never had a "sho-nuff Dad". (I know now, that low life slut, birthed Us without "fathers", deliberately.) "No father",  in evidence, was not only My reality but, something that closet whore delighted in reminding Me of, "Every fucking day of My Black Ass Nigger-Ass Life!". 
My so-called "mother",  was not only a serious Whore, s/he was a "high end" prostitute, a Con artist; (Madame Watson, Madame Rico, etc) World! The low whore for satan always claimed her white "coor" and "good hair" , was some gift from GOD , and s/he could do "just like s/he pleased"! No shit! 
Mainly,  martha suffered from a form of "self imposed" ignorance,  and extremely  low morales! As a matter of fact, that wo/man , that had the audacity,  to call herself ;"Rev-ver raN Watson", had Zero morals, ever! NEVER! NEVER! NEVER!  In her "too long" life , did that snake, that closeted Viper,  ever know what Truth and Innocence was.  Nor, dis s/he care.

The sad part, martha jane walters,  was NEVER correctable! Teachable! S/he was always Extremely Defiant! Violent! Psychotic! Sadistic! TERRORISTIC!!!
Why? S/he belonged to satan.  Was definitely "hiz-un" LOL!
 Wait! Don't you dare feel sorry for Me.  IT is I,  that should feel "sorry" for you. You may have missed some teachable moments , born into a "White Bread" world, a  life of decency, intelligence, compassion, order, and Truthfulness.

Seeing the absolute worse in people, in my own "mother", has been a GOD send for Me.  I learned from birth; "Trust No One!" Put your trust in The HOLY SPIRIT!
Yes! I am completely over the Moon! Rescued! Delivered from one wo/man,  that volunteered to become,  and remain,  one despicable Incestuous/ Pedophile!
 Yes, World the fe/male that birthed Me, HATED Me , with a passion for My entire life, is DEAD!
Why was mjw djt's twin? DEMON POSSESSED! Ignorant! Low IQ! Low morales! Psychotic! Sadistic! Perverted! Lazy! Greedy! Color Struck! Nasty! A homemade witch! A donald john trump! Notice the same number of characters in their names; (martha jane/donald john), no difference, none. Both definitely , think alike. Lie with the same momentum, and rage. NASTY!!! World, that dumb, sulty slut , that birthed Me, Us, SEXUALLY ABUSED ALL OF US,  FROM BIRTH! STALKED AND VEXED EVERYONE S/HE ENCOUNTERED FOR EIGHTY-EIGHT YEARS!!!
This fucked up world of lying , fake ass,  Christians,  demand that I remain silent. Why? What the fuck for, you fakes?! Pathological liars! Artificial demonic clones ! Worthless! Powerless! 
First it was the  "Fear" cast upon Us, Me, for "telling" on that SUCCUBUS! . 
 Old skank ass, lazy ass, greedy ass,  "mathy jane",  had enough demonic brilliance,  to always rely on "voodoo", lying, manipulation, conning,  and treachery, to "have her way",  to fuck with people on the sly. Always "closeted", half hidden, stanking, rotting, something miserable, going some where to cause more misery, just because s/he could.

Not everyone , mind you, just anyone that caused her to commit some sick , psychotic act, that s/he was known for . Any casual gift, compliment ,... something as innocent,  as a slight smile, directed away from her. The fact is, Everyone's joy,  caused martha jane walters, to plung into  Automatic Madness! RAGE!!! No, your age, or "relationship", kinship,  did not matter.  As a matter of fact, the younger you were, the quicker that maggot, that  skank,  would leap on you! Just attack you with her fists, knives, guns, bricks, bats,  voodoo,anything mathy's demonic claws could grasp. All the while SCREAMING,  the worse Insults, to pierce any innocent heart.
No! I'm not mad, I'm Glad!!! Over the Moon! "Walking on air ain't touching ground, Nowhere"!
That low slut for satan is DEAD!!! Flung into the Outer Realm!



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