AWESOME! AWESOME! AWESOME! When I tell you, Dear Children; "GOD is Good all the time! All the time GOD is good!" That is real, that is Not just what I've been taught. I have lived it, my entire life. I know it for myself!
Please understand, that statement doesn't mean you shall not have struggle , your whole life. It merely means, no matter what, old lying, envious, jealous evildoers, throw at you, The HOLY SPIRIT shall deliver you. All you have to do is ask.
No, you don't have to be a "good person" or a "Christian in good standing", in order to be delivered from the clutches of your many enemies, seen and unseen.
By "good person" I mean, what this World means; you go way out of your way to prove to the preying eyes of the public, to the "wo/men" in charge, how perfect you are. You follow ALL of the rules. You shall never disappoint your oppressors by actually thinking for yourself.
You love impressing your oppressors, haters, deliberate annihilators, by mimicing them. You are proud to talk like them, buy their "hair" . Do everything they do, no matter how many people shall suffer.
Number one, you are "heterosexual"! Bravo for you. Not only are you a practicing "heterosexual", you don't masturbate, play with sex toys, or watch porn.
When you have scheduled "sex", it is in the "dark", clothes on, and only in the missionary position. No , you do NOT participate in "oral" sex. ANAL SEX IS AN ABOMINATION to you. You can't imagine anything so deplorable.
More than likely, you are a WASP , (white anglo saxon protestant). You are a savage brute! You stem from Vikings, your ancestry can be traced to the most savage, brutal, cannibalistic, hue-mans, to ever exist.
Yes, white amerikkka, you have no history to be proud of. You dummies fought a losing war, lost everything for less than two percent of the population. You swear by a lie, a parable, that you made up. GOD did NOT curse people of color. Old, lying, lazy (white) people , did.
So, your putrid savagery has finally risen to the top , again, So? GOD got this!
"Come Ye out from among them."
Sunday, October 25, 20/20
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