DID IT AGAIN! My feet hit the floor!
First of all, I shall Declare I AM NOT FORSAKEN!!! Never was! Never will be!While IT is True I was birthED by a MONSTER! A sick, sadistic, psychotic, sociopath, djt's TWIN!
No, I am not cursed either. Actually quite the opposite. The fact, that old slimy, immoral, greedy, lecherous, volunteer whore, not so secretly, always hated ME, is indeed a BLESSING!
Of course that old low life, lying SLUT taught us that WE were nothing. Just some "Black ass bastards", that should be glad s/he didn't flush US down the toilet, like s/he did so many of OUR siblings.
I am delighted by my ability to draw so many parallels between mjw and djt. IT is as if they were cut from the same mold. Created by the same demonic spirit.
The Predatory Pathological lying!Abominable lie after lie! The exact same strategy used by Hitler; THE BIG LIE!
The extreme envy, jealousy, greed and DIABOLICAL CRUELTY; is UNCANNY!
My birthER was extremely SEXUALLY PERVERTED AND SADISTIC! So much so s/he turned to WITCHCRAFT! Frequented a particular murdered man's grave for his "Goofer Dust".
Poor martha always too stupid, too empty, too vacuous, to ever realize, it wasn't the "Dust", IT was her low common, demon possessed ass, behind every act of betrayal.
World, my birthER was absolutely, always so disgusting, my grandfather just taught us to turn our heads. To turn the other cheek. (He was a true CHRISTIAN.)
No matter what s/he did, no matter how horrifying, brutal, savage, and devastating her behavior always was , we were never encouraged to fight back or tell.
My grandfather, ROME WALTERS, would just shake his head in astonishment, perhaps mortal grief, and gently say; "When your head is in the Lion's mouth, you don't make any sudden moves."
He did tell us, me in particular; " LEAVE HERE AND DON'T NEVAH COME BACK!!!" , when I reached age eighteen.
I responded by declaring my undying love for my grandfather, and explaining to him that I could never leave or forsake HIM!
Not her. That SLUT was to be "Endured". The Holy Spirit told me to just hold on!
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