AWESOME! AWESOME! AWESOME! I had the privilege of "Experiencing" THE ROLLING STONES, live and in person, thanks to my brilliant, beautiful daughter. My whole heart! The tiny beautiful baby that taught me how to love unconditionally. The one person that introduced me to maternal love. Maternal love, the love a mother has for her children. Something I had no idea I lacked for far too long.
What is my point? Today I am BEAMING! Actually beaming, all aglow. Rescued by The HOLY GHOST, again. Yes, for "low these" sixty-nine years , my LORD has walked before me, sheltering me, protecting me from the evil, evil, wo/men that have delighted in holding this World hostage , far too long, since the beginning of time.
While these evildoers pretend to be happy, they are all liars, reprobates, ravenous wolves, angry, raging, because they are NOT chosen. They are talentless. They have no gifts to bring. They are full of hate, burning with carnal lust. Mad with GOD for failing to bestow them with the gifts and talents they envy in others.
Jealousy and envy , the root of all malice, the cause of all sadistic practices. Cain killed Abel because he was jealous. My own "mother" lived eighty-eight years spreading nothing but terror, hate and destruction. on our Entire Family. Yes, s/he was DIABOLICAL! EVIL as EVIL can possibly be.
My birth-ER , martha jane walters, was so evil, so diabolical, so sneaky, underhanded, manipulative and untrustworthy, I think s/he developed a serious hatred for herself. She had too. Always impulsive, always cruel, always carnal. SADISTIC! A murderer, a maimer, a molester, a con artist, a nymphomaniac... all in all, HORROR UNLEASHED!
An Abomination to The HOLY CHOST , that some "Christian" Denomination, (African Methodist Episcopal Zion) , gave a license to preach. "My LORD from Zion!" Come Jesus!
When I was two, I witnessed my "mother" try to kill my uncle with a shotgun. Why? He merely asked her to clean me up, to put some clothes on me. I can remember clearly, I was naked, except for a pair of raggedy, dirty "draws". No shoes, no socks, no dress, no tee-shirt, no bows in my uncombed hair. Just another little "Black", unwanted, un-welcomed , bastard , old nasty mathy jane hatched.
World, I am not mad, I am no longer sad, I REJOICE! I never could have made it without ROME WALTERS. I never could have made it without his fervent prayers. Of course I never could have made it without the LORD!
BEAMING! Yes, I did ask GOD why. I have asked GOD why, over and over , for my entire long life. Confused! "Tossed and driven". Hated and loved. "Helped", then prevented. Bragged on , then lied on.
Why? Was s/he bi-polar? Or did martha jane walters render her "ownself" demon possessed by practicing voodoo? Did martha's practice of always visiting graves, digging up dirt (goofer dust) to destroy the dreams of others, because s/he had none, backfire? Or did the extreme jealousy martha always carry in her heart force her to become what s/he was? Was s/he ever ashamed? What made her so vicious?
Again, the answer is jealousy. Yes, I do have to stand back and beam, glow, acknowledging the goodness of GOD.
I remember, clearly, my own "mother" trying to burn half my little three year old face off, (like s/he successfully did her first son). Fortunately, some how, (GOD) raised my right arm over my face at the precise moment she ambushed me, deliberately pushed me into that blazing wood burning Franklin stove.
After sixty-six years , I still wear that scar, that burn. Something that low whore forbid me to ever so much as ever mention. S/he didn't do it! If s/he did do it , it was my fault. GOD didn't care because I was black as tar anyway!
Well World, I , along with my fellow siblings , have horror story , after horror story, that we have always been forbidden to share. Of course my brothers refuse to tell. Too "Trauma Bonded", too emasculated, too old, too tired.
"Gwen! Let it go!!!" I will NOT! The low whore MURDERED MY GRANDFATHER! Was proud! Laughed about it. Stole his mantel, his sermons , and the low whore preached them.
They don't see the point. Perhaps they are defeated, perhaps they have given up. Well, I haven't! I never will! That low whore for satan, the perverted reprobate, that jealous Judas swine, died deliberately, without repentance. Died demanding that we take all of her sick, sadistic, carnal evil to our graves.
I will NOT! You knew better! You always knew better, that is why you could hide it so well. You could deny your sick, sadistic proclivities , so well and so long, because your whole soul , belonged to satan!
Well, shame on you and shame on all "Christians" that love you. Shame on all people that are of such little faith , they lie, cloak and cloister, evil demon possessed hue-mans , like you.
That thang can stay cloistered up in the white house as long as he pleases. He has been "weighed in the balances and found wanting". martha jane walters was weighed in balances also, was found to be a ravenous , sick, sadistic, lying wolf. A toothless, feeble lion in the end, but still too proud, too stiff neck to apologize., REPENT NEVER!
Shall tRump apologize? It doesn't matter if he does. No, We can't unring his bells or undo his damage. But, WE can know, "s/he is what s/he is" and WE can shun them!
To GOD be the Glory!
Saturday, November 21, 20/20
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