AWESOME! AWESOME! AWESOME! I can not speak for anyone else's "Dry Bones", but I can certainly speak for mine.
My Dry Bones are Rising! Rising rapidly! While these low whores are vexing, tormenting, relishing in all the misery they deliberately cause, (semi-secretly), then immediately deny, I am healing.
Sixty-two years is much too long to waste, trying to love a SUCCUBUS! IT CAN'T BE DONE! World, be careful. Satan is loose! "Hiz 'hoes done tuk ova". The miserable muthafuckers are nothing but hue-man roaches! Not even Cock Roaches. The dirty, lying, vindictive, psychotic, sadistic sluts, are nothing but them "luddle biddie" roaches. Yes, roach maggots. The big roaches don't even associate with them.
Dear Children of GOD, please finally exercise your "Right to Think Critically". If a muthafucker acts like a sadist slut, some of the time, S/HE IS A SADISTIC SLUT ALL OF THE TIME!
My evil, sick, sadistic mother successfully reached the age of Eighty-Eight, being a complete demon possessed, incestuous, pedophile, "root working" whore , because she was kind Sometime! The low , lying, swindling whore , could be depended upon on rare occasions, to do the right thing.
Actually, I have discovered, the answer to my confusion, our confusion , is TRAUMA BONDING! That slick low whore deliberately molded us, her children , to be her sick ass, defeated slaves. That low whore never loved anyone, never trusted anyone, because the low whore viewed everyone through her corrupt, ignorant, racist, eyes.
It is alright now. It is cool. s/he is good and dead and my "Dry bones" are finally dancing!
Tuesday, December 1, 20/20
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