Whew! This song is nice. We all need some "nice", sometime. We are all in need of deep compassion. We all need someone to sincerely care.
None of us should ever lie. Luckily for me, my "mother" was always a pathological liar. Therefore I am a Hue-Man Being with a one lie minimum. Stay out of my face lying!
I also hate "sexual perverts". Wo/men like my nasty ass "birth-ER". Stanking hoes, that seriously believe their fake ass walk with their pretend god , fools anyone.
No, I don't miss that 'hoe. As a matter of fact, I'm glad the low slut for satan, finally died.
Yes, I am tired of all liars. I am also tired of low life, snielving , uncle tom vipers, like my "mother". Like uncle clarence thomas, ben carcuss, ilk and polly ester..
While, I most certainly hate all racist liars, I understand,
Why can't I lie for old, reprobates, incestuous pedophiles? Is it because I was a victim so long? Why can't I keep my mouth shut like my five brothers?
Well, The HOLY SPIRIT certainly compels me to keep writing my blogs. I am going to keep telling ,I fully intend to keep spilling my "Tea" until I am satisfied.
Yes, World, I fully intend to keep pulling back the layers of this "Onion" , until I have a much better understanding , of what martha jane walters , deliberately did to me and the entire Walters clan, for eighty-eight years!
At any rate, I am not ashamed to tell on her HORRID, WICKED, STANKING, PERVERTED, DEMON POSSESSED , DEAD ASS!
As a matter of fact, It is my esteemed Pleasure! I am humbled! I have Sixty-Two Years worth of mathy's failed , evil, demonic schemes, that low life, lying, whore plotted against Me, THAT FAILED!
"You should not have done that mathy jane," ; I heard my poor GrandDADDY , tell his fallen daughter that so many times. No, s/he never listened. Yes, s/he was djt. What ever that succubus has, s/he had.
Well, s/he is dead now!
Don't worry, he shall soon be gone. However, The HOLY SPIRIT is Everlasting!
Wednesday , January 13, 2021
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