"Pick up the Pieces!" Never be afraid to grow. Finally realize you must Love you, You must Love you Fiercely. There are far too many hue-man beings born into the clutches of whores, mongrel monstrosities, so ancient, so horrid, so diabolical, most shall run from them in abject fear, never warning one single person, the innocent or the guilty of such imps.
Dear children of the Most High GOD , when or if you ever reach such favor, never return. "Only a dog returns to his vomit."
There is only one fact that I must acknowledge; my own "mother", my own "birth-er" was one Horrid Wo/Man! The Shock of all Shocks; s/he was an "ordained pastor"! Accepted! Honored! Loved! Loved by her many, many Victims!
What is that? Demon Possession! "From such stay away." How can We stay away from the "Trauma" We are born into? How does an innocent child avoid a maniacal , manipulative, conniving, cunning, Jezebel, brutal, sadistic whore? You can't. "Endure to the end."
Once you know, you know, pick up the pieces.
Sixty-two years of stalking Me! Throwing away one shoe, the pants or skirt to a beautiful suit. Sixty-two years of "Blessing Blocking" because you were never more than a primitive, volunteer whore, a slave!
A volunteer menace to society because you thought your "color" dictated such behavior. A low life, common creep, intercepting all hope of success, because your stupid ,sorry, lazy , yalla ass, sat on your daddy's porch and got pregnant , deliberately , ten years in a row!
Be ashamed of your nasty, common ass self! Your fake preaching didn't save you. Your "goofer dust" didn't save your horrid ass. While your scent still lingers in my nostrils, I am Healing!
Tuesday, May 4, 2021
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