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"Age ain't nothing but a number!"

AWESOME! AWESOME! AWESOME! Outlived My secret, clandestine TORMENTOR! Praise the Living LORD!

True, I had to gnaw My own foot off!
No, that half hue-man "White Water Moccasin" was not giving up shit! Nothing! 

World, My 'BirthER" was HORROR UNLEASHED! CRUEL and SADISTIC to the highest degree.

A wo/man that deliberately chose to serve satan on the QT! A wo/man that wasted Eighty-Eight Years of her Horrid life,  hating and blaming GOD,  for the "mess" s/he diabolically created,  made,  of her life.

Question, did martha jane walters really expect to always get away? s/he was always pretty arrogant, absolutely confident that s/he could never be stopped. I also believe, for some reason "mathy jane" never expected to die.

Why? My grandfather, Rome Waters , always called her ignorant and walked away. GrandDADDY would just shake his head and walk away.  Yes, he did try to teach her. He admonished her kindly, always.  Never lost his temper, never sought any type of revenge.
What did he get for his trouble? Shot dead in the heart! Robbed! The low whore , with satan's blessings,  preached her dead daddy's sermons, mixed in with satan's bullshit about never having to repent of your sins. World, that wo/man, that ordained closet Bulldagger , preached about a place s/he totally made up; "The Sea of Forgetfulness". 

(You can follow the advise of that dead lying 'hoe , if you want to, you going to Hell!)

GrandDADDY did insist on church attendance. I was born into that practice. Every Saturday night grandDADDY filled a rusty Tin tub with water boiled in an iron black kettle. The water was pumped from the beautiful pump stand , adorned with Mint Julip and a Chinaberry Tree. A beautiful red cobble stone walkway connected the Pump stand to his screened in back porch and kitchen.

The water boiled rather slowly on his wood burning stove. GrandDADDY bathed us vertically (My brother and I).  We had to stand straight up in the tiny tin tub.  The soap we used was Lye soap. Homemade soap,  that I witnessed My grandfather make. (I always loved the smell)

GrandDADDY would take some kind of dipper to pour the warm water down our bodies after he lathered us up. What we did every Saturday night , would not be considered real bathing,  by today's standards. It worked for us. No, we were not Nasty. Just "country". We did have standards. No one was allowed to get in the bed before washing their feet, Ever!

That made sense because we rarely wore shoes in the summer time.  I loved that freedom.  The dried up mud holes leading to My grandfather's farm felt like soft Baby power when I mushed it between My toes.

I have so many good memories, precious memories,  of My grandfather ,  the fact his daughter was HORROR UNLEASHED, a true Jezebel, makes My mangeled, manipulated life,  well worth all of the unexplainable, unnecessary pain. 

When I was eight years old My grandfather put a Bible in My hand and We had one on one Bible study. Little did I know this was in any way unusual. Bottom line I became a real Bible reader, not a "Cherry picker".

Evildoers like My BirthER gleefully Cherry pick scripture to find words to enslave the simple. True scholars, real intellectuals,  find time to read, to study all scripture. Every word is beneficial. 

"Not withstanding I have a few things against thee, because thou sufferest (let) that woman Jezebel, which calleth herself a prophetess, to teach and to seduce my servants to commit fornication , and to eat things sacrificed to idols. And I gave her space to repent of her fornication and she repented not. Revelation 2:20-21


Wow! Jesus told Us that our enemies would be of our own household! Jesus does not lie! No need. that wo/man,  martha jane walters hodges doster watson lamoureaux LIED!! LIED Pathologically for Eighty-Eight Years! Why? Pride? Demon possession? Just evil! Just mean! Just ignorant and "color struck" . Or just "not chosen".

"Behold , I stand at the door , and knock; if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me."
Revelation 3:20

Long story short, My BirthER was always a proud prostitute . Bragged that s/he was getting a hundred dollars a "pop" for her "yalla pussy" in the 60s! (I am a witness)

World, My BirthER was a high level prostitute/root working Madam,  that suddenly turned to preaching,  under ordination,  after MURDERING My Grandfather, Rome Walters, in 1979!

I do have to laugh, the entire Sixty-Two years I was subjected to that Jezebel whore, not once did s/he ever apologize or take responsibility for one foul deed. What s/he did do , was stalk, lie, plot, sabotoge, murder, maim, assault rape and molest. Say something, try to correct her, were getting STABBED! Stabbed with her foul words, you were going to be lamblasted to Hell for at least seventy-two hours, really FOREVER.

You were getting some of fresh "graveyard dirt" thrown on your black ass for "talkin'".

The worse thing s/he was going to do, did do , was get the whole , entire family, her church and everyone that ever knew you, to HATE You. Yes, martha jane walters was One Thousand percent (1000%) Water Moccasin! 

All white water moccasins are extremely deadly and extremely sneaky. They just slither up on you, kill you dead,  and just slither away. I am sure if they could carry Bibles and fake preach , they would do that too.

So what? If you be righteous, there is nothing any closet homosexual, fake ass , pimp preacher , can do to you .

Be Absolutely Abundantly Blessed in Jesus' Mighty Name!



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