gladly assisting My "mother", (Madame Watson) in one of her many, many scams. To know My "BirthER"; martha jane walters , was to know nothing but pain, heartache, misery and deep confusion , as long as that homemade "witch doctor", turned ORDAINED PASTOR was permitted to be a part of your life.
Dear World, I am freely revealing so some of the horrid atroscities that Mongrel MONSTROSITY freely , secretly and clandestinely committed against Me , My five brothers and practically every poor soul that thought they truly loved or admired her.
Dear Children of the Most High , You are Compelled, Instructed, COMMANDED to tell, to reveal such a beast! GOD gave rattle snakes a rattle for a reason. A rattle snake has the decency to warn you. Not, old lying common ass reprobates like my birthER!
That is common, that is NASTY! Wait, when the low, lecherous whore targets her own family for sport because the common Maggot is stuck on stupid. Stuck on her Color. Hurray up and RUN! If your entire family forsakes you, so what?
Life is much too short to sit up in someone's church that permit demon possessed women like martha jane walters preach. Not because they forgave her but because all those so called Christians feared that Sadistic Demon Possessed whore for EIGHTY_EIGHT YEARS! I Won't! I can't!
Decent people put up "Beware of Dog" sighs. Low common, treacherous wo/men put on a robe, go to preaching. Unwashed! Unrepentant! Foul! Funky! Shun them! Rebuke them!
World, these low lying imps are carrying GOD's Word right under their arms, So, do not pity them when they get caufght.
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