The old low ******* Screamed and Screeched; "Don't you PISS'on my grave when I'm dead"
No, dead Mongrel Monstrosity that refused to "get help", refused all forms of intervention, help. Yes, you old dead Reptellion! I do not care what you say or vow, You did not derive any JOY from deliberately "spawning" innocent children to devour, destroy, rape , ruin, enslave and molest. No, stupid whore you never believed your skin color and hair texture, gave you the right to live a demon possessed, diabolical, predatory life.
You said said that SHIT to hear your empty head roar!
You also never believed there was any "Male conspiracy" to keep you down, of low rank in the A.M.E. Zion church. You said that shit because it sounded good. It was plauseable . It made since. Of course it was a lie! You two faced, back-stabbing closet lesbian Freak!
You also declared that all men where whores, ate pussy, were perverts, could never be trusted. Who knew that you, were talking about You? GOD! The HOLY SPIRIT! While you had a good time tracking Us down, blaming us, Our "fathers", for your SICK! SADISTIC! Perverted PROCLIVITIES! and HORRID worthless, fake life. You did NOT Win!
I refuse to honor your stanking ass! I will NOT ignore Your Eighty-Eight Years' worth of Atroscities . Your sneaky well planned murders , well planted lies, your rapes, molestations! I will NOT!
I shall no longer tolerate people that actually claim to like you, or say good things about you. There is no way any decent hue-man being can say anything good about you, *rump or that faggot "The Church"that tricked Me into believing that "thang" was GOD sent.
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