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Since I've Laid My Burdens Down Mississippi John Hurt

BURDEN- "a duty or misfortune that causes hardship, anxiety, or grief, a nuisance."
World, if anyone ever calls you a burden, please permit Me to pray for you. 

If you have done all you can do on this mean earth.  If you have been diligent, about Your Father's business, Living, Loving,  Sharing, being the best hue-man being you can be, honor that.

Yes, I'm glad to pray for You and with you. Not only will I pray for you, I will cry for you. You are in "Bad Shape". You are friendless. You have no one but GOD! Yes, GOD can save you. You can be spared and you can be loved.

Do not believe them , no matter how loudly they scream. You know you. You know you were simply a witness.  You didn't do it.

 When I was three years old my "Birth-ER" took Us down to the "Cowfield" , an old "slave" graveyard,  in Wade, North Carolina. s/he was there for EVIL! Not only did We watch "mathy jane" dig up dirt from a "Murdered Man's Grave", s/he taught Us how to collect and use it!

I was THREE! Fast forward, for the next sixty years I watched that wo/man; martha jane walters turn into the Sickest, Sadistic, MONGREL MONSTROSITY,  satan could create. I also watched her preach. I witnessed her be honored over and over. I know for a fact that s/he Murdered My grandfather, JEROME WALTERS!Shot him dead in the heart because s/he claimed he was a BURDEN. A burden at eighty-four years old  because he lost his leg , due to her negligence. 

He was no longer strong, could no longer take those long walks, assisted by his cane. S/he refused to spend his  money to take him to the hospital. The low cheap whore,  deliberately waited on the VA to treat his broken hip! The cheap psychotic whore did not want to spend one cent of the money s/he earned conning, prostituting and fake preaching. That low slut called My GrandDADDY the BURDEN. Shot him dead in the heart with the same rusty .38 used to Murder Jerome Walters , Jr.

No, martha was the Burden. That low whore was the thorn in Our thigh. martha jane walters was Our donald *rump. Our BURDEN to bear.

No LORD, I never want to be a BURDEN to anyone. I want to always pull my weight. When I'm too old to walk , I hope some one will push me in a nice wheel chair. When I can no longer contribute financially,  because this World believes that I made poor decisions, I just want to go, peacefully, as quickly and quietly as possible .  Please release Me GOD! Don't put me on anyone, please don't let Me be abused!

 When this World refuses to believe that I was "rooted", stalked and deliberately terrorized , by that sick slut , that birthed Me, Raped Me, Burned Me, Branded Me, Ruined Me , just  because they never heard of such evil. What is the point? When people prefer to live in silence, denial and desire to honor mjw, *r, that faggot I accidentally married,  and *rump, what is the point?

"IT is what IT is"
I have stated my peace, My position. I hate that dead slut martha jane walters! I hate her flying monkey *** *w**** The MAGGOT FAGGOT!!! highly rebuke him too!


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