NO one's life is going to be easy, ever. WE all shall have "Trials and Tribulations". The color of anyone's skin should never be used as a yoke to enslave them. Never! But, IT is. "I would certainly free my slaves" wrote Thomas Jefferson, the author of The Declaration of Independence, "had I not grown accustomned to their conviennce."
If you are Black like me, there exists a very strong possibility, you have been scorned, scoffed, ridiculed, burned, branded raped, molested from birth and no one cares. Not only are you forced to accept that harsh Truth you are not permitted to tell. If you ever do tell, please do not expect anyone to care.
I've been labeled a complainer since I was able to talk. Has anyone cared? No. No one has ever cared enough to stop the evildoers. If you wantt o know the real Truth, most people are happy. Elated! Glad Tickled pink.
However, there is one caveat to "My Story"; JESUS! My Jesus has always loved me unconditionally! Every plot my sick birthER plotted, GOD was on the throne! Slapped mathy's crap back on her.
No, I'm not worried about any lies satan tries to put on me. I am a great artist! Yes, I am old, unsung, used, basically "'woe out". But, somebody loves me. Some one admires my gifts. Some one wants to help me share my gifts.
Some people are not automatically jealous. Some people don't try to snatch your soul from your body when your "gifts" cause them to rage. Some people do pray when they realize they have gone too far in their lying, in their blessing blocking.
Yes,some people do trust GOD. Some people don't pretend to love GOD, while they plaster Jesus on their lips with pure hatred, envy and conjure in their hearts.
Some people don't get any joy out of deliberately lying to people, misleading, confusing them. Some people don't remind you that you are nothing , that you are broke and useless. There are people on this Earth that can actually love freely, honestly. Some people feel secure enough to compliment you, to share your gifts.
There exists on this good Earth people that will help you, never lie to you, never stab you in the back as they deliberately scream abominable lies in your face.
Dear evildoer, my skin Black is not excuse enough for you to torment me. GOD Is! That is all WE need to know. "GOD Is".
Yes, GOD always makes intersecion
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