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Showing posts from April, 2024


Growing and GLOWING! Delivered from the clutches of my enemies!  Humbled!  Grateful!  Dear LORD, thank You for teaching Me  to never lie for liars!  To never do anything,  I would be too embarrassed , too ashamed,  to admit I did. Thank You for crafting  my inner soul, my unconquerable Spirit, My core, the essence of my entire being. I'm humbled! You taught Me, by example to Never be Cruel! To BE MYSELF! To the Fullest! To the Max!   Thank You for teaching me to actually care, to say what I mean, to mean what I say. To love Fiercely! Unconditionally!  Passionately! To give My love freely and generously, immediately, sincerely To withdraw it just as fast from an IMMORAL, lying imp that does nothing but fuss and fight,  Never spew lies ,   venom ,  blame,  screams,  screeches,   on the innocent,  on small children,  the elderly,  While knowing Full Well,  "something is not right"!  GO GIT RIGHT!!! The evildoers cannot have Me!  I will Not Lie!  I refuse to remain satan'

I'M SO LONESOME I COULD CRY (1949) by Hank Williams

First, giving honor to GOD! Yes! I, Rachel Gwendolyn Doster, am Beaming. Second, I'm Humbled! Grateful! Anointed! Appointed! My journey has been long, often rugged, Traumatic, Never Tragic. Sure,  some very cruel, unsympathetic, envious, jealous imps,  have delighted in grinning in my face, pretending to love me, knowing full well they hate me as much as my birthER, m Artha j ane w alters.  No, they see no value in me, none what so ever. Why? "Too Black".  I overcame a great Mongrel, I pulled myself up by my own Bootstraps! I educated MYSELF!  That slut that birthed me, never did anything but , stalk ,and terrorize me with her perversion, voodoo and conjure. True, that old dead slut did declare s/he won. No such thing. "GOD maketh not ashamed". Old skanky ass, homemade witch mathy jane was never more than an extremely manipulative, vicious, Terrorists. However, s/he was always as cowardly as s/he was cruel. Small innocent Children, the infirm elderly,  always ma


No! No! No! I am not ashamed. True, a very treacherous, sick, psychotic, sadistic wo/man,  gave birth to Me. Deliberately held Me hostage. Did everything in her "demonic power" to destroy Me! (Us!), until "Now". So what? IT all BACKFIRED! I'm a Miracle! I'm DELIVERED  from an ole Haint, an unrepentant,  high yalla 'hoe, that no hue-man could  keep out of a Pulpit.  Always "manipulative", always terrorizing, administering Cruelty, tracking, stalking, chunking "dust". While proclaiming her "Love". (No such thing! "Ye shall know them by their fruit (deeds"). A homemade Witch, a sick,  common, Sadistic slut!  A whore so horrid, s/he did,   constantly brag about how much money s/he made,  selling her "pink pussy". Always comparing her expensive, exquisete,  pussy,  to regular,  old Black, Nappy headed, "unrefined" pussy.  For some reason, my "mother" taught Me, "pussy" was a gift

Teddy Pendergrass - It Don't Hurt Now (Official Audio) IT IS ALL RIGHT NOW

Thank You Jesus! IT is all right now. I accept IT. "Too Black, too fat, too opinionated, too Old, etc." is their excuse.  If the  Color of your skin is the greatest excuse they can  use against you, count yourself fortunate. If they can't hold their extreme immorality  against you, if you are still honest,  and truthful. count yourself blessed, anointed! Appointed! Yes, I BEAMING! I am on Top of the World! Number One; Rescued! Delivered from that two headed, two legged viper,  that birthED Me.(martha jane walters).   An anti-Christ, sick, demented reprobate that far too many of "My people" feared for far too long. A wo/man that  Delighted in,  and entertained her sick, sadistic, psychotic, demon possessed self,  in stalking, and terrorizing Me,  for sixty-two years!  No, not just Me, all of Us. Others, the Walters clan, the community of Wade Station, Fort Bragg (Liberty), Fayetteville , North Carolina , by claiming s/he was a "Root Worker", Madame Wats

Bob Marley & The Wailers - No Woman, No Cry (Live At The Rainbow 4th Jun...I'm so woke I GLOW in the dark

"First, giving honor to GOD." Period! That is the first thing an intelligent, kind, loving person , should do automatically. If you are the kind of person that practices "Calculated Cruely" , because you are a lying bully, sadistic, "Color Struck", poorly read, poorly educated, modern day slave; you won't! You shall gladly "raise hell"! Not only shall you lie incessantly, pathologically, methodically, you shall Slay any,  and all brave or foolish enough to attempt to resist you. No, in your feeble mind cruelty,  is power! Colluding with fellow bullies,  against the innocent,  is power. Forcing the elderly, the powerless,  to waste away, lonely, mocked, reduced, ridiculed,  then finally "thrown away", is power. A once beautiful, brilliant, Scholar,  was stalked, hunted, haunted,  by imps,  for making the mistake of being "Young, Gifted and Black". No, not any more. Feeble now.  Worn out. Out of breath and out of time.  You

Tracy Chapman - Greatest Hits Best Songs Playlist Dear "Blessing Blocker"

Yes! Dear "Blessing Blocker", do know My Blessings can Not be Blocked! "What GOD has for Me, is for Me" Sure, you can continue to vex me, dig ditches, place stumbling blocks in my path. Pretend to care, never compliment, never do anything but,  find fault, pretend you are joking . You can put on a show for me and the few spectators,  while laughing behind my back, Our backs. IT does not mater! You Never intend for anyone to ever "Outdo" you in anything, Period. Do that,  if that is how you really feel. If you sincerely believe all Black people are cursed, are in factonly  three-fifths human, by all means , "Do what , you do." Gladly assist "The Man" in torturing, salivating, crushing any and everyone stupid enough to be a Truthj Teller or a Christ lover. I just have one question, how do you really feel? How have you prospered? How can you still claim to be so afraid? No faith, no thanks, no gratitude, really? Well, if you refuse to help

Hold What You've Got

BEAMING BEAMING!!! Up early, going , Growing and GLOWING! World, please permit Me to take this brief  moment to thank My, Our, Your,  HOLY SPIRIT, MO/FATHER OF UNIVERSAL INTELLIGENCE,   for Engulfing Me, and All innocent Children in Grace and Mercy! For the indwelling of The HOLY SPIRIT!  `Thank you for the "Fervent Prayers" of a truly Righteous man, My GrandFather, ROME WALTERS! Thank You for Righting "All Wrongs". Thank You for Revelation and Restoration. Thank You for Your mysterious intervention! When "closeted evildoers", that refuse to pray, to simply ask GOD for what they want, try to reduce Me to dung, You are My Hedge! When Sick, Sadistic, Psychotic mathy jane,  deliberated tried to burn my beautiful three year old face off , by pushing me into a red hot, wood burning , Franklin Stove, You were there! Somehow, mysteriously, my little arm  raised spontaneously,  protecting my face. Sure, my arm  was severely burned, but my beautiful face was protec

Percy Sledge - Warm And Tender Love (1966) 4K GLOWING!

Thank You Dear LORD! Yes, LORD you are so AWESOME!  Yes! I am Humbled! Grateful! For sixty-two years a hue-man Monster, a MONGREL Monstrosity, stalked, terorized , and blessing blocked Me ! Why? Only GOD knows. All I know, s/he was always HORROR UNLEASHED!  Was that stanking ass, lying ass, demon possessed donald-j-t, for Eighty-eight fucking years!   I know I get up "Eva'mo'ning" dancing on that dead slut's head!  I know that stanking , dead 'hoe , rotten ass bones , should be dug up,  and feed through a wood chipper! I know that low stank 'hoe, did far too much, far too long,  got to the finish line, and "re-NiggEd", balked, stopped, "came to a squeeking halt"! Laughed! Mocked GOD! Claimed to be Demonic the whole time. No! I didn't go to her stank ass, unrepentant,  damn "furnreal". *uck that dead Bitch! No! I didn't cry one fucking tear , either. BEAMING!!! 

JOHNNY MATHIS - WONDERFUL, WONDERFUL 1957 My Life has certainly been Wonderful, Wonderful, ANYWAY!

Yes! My World has been Wonderful, Wonderful, ANYWAY! Yes! ANYWAY, some how , I have not only survived, I very successfully pulled Myself up, by My own Bootstraps! Yes, I'm bragging! REJOICING! BEAMING! GLOWING!  World, I did the Impossible. Please permit me to rephrase that thought. GOD did IT! Yes, I was born into the clutches of a Common MAGGOT! An old ignorant, homemade "Root worker".  A wo/man, a two headed, two legged viper, s/he aborted countless innocent babies. Then proceeded to hang that over Our heads. Always claimed that We should count ourselves lucky because s/he was benevolent enough to birth Us. No such thing, that wo/man marthajanewalters , was always so Common! Filthy! Despicable! Demon Possessed , few "Christians" and or victims could muster the courage to confront her or the Truth. I did! I'm so proud! I really wish I could have been their. After years of badgering and inquiry, I finally persuaded Fayetteville's (NC) finest , to do the

Otis Redding-Pain in My Heart The Red Brick House

The time period was the mid Sixties. We were taught to be proud of the new red brick "home" , my "parents" just purchased in Savoy Heights.  A new housing development just  for "negros" that "Qualified". Brick! One and a half baths, three tiny bedrooms. No garage, not even a carport. Central air wasn't a thing, then. We did have Central heat.  For some reason the the Washer /Dryer had to be outside! It was totally ridiculous. Every time you needed to wash clothes, you had to go a Storage room! Why did those "two" agree to buy it? What was the rush? ****** was on his way to Viet Nam and mjw was "chopping at the bit". The old closet Nymp was tired of playing lame ass, married house wife. The absolute saddest fact is; it is true, We were Blessed! The white man in Fayetteville, North Carolina, in the Sixties, had his whole , total foot,  up a nigger's ass. Shit! "It is what IT is!" Most people treat

Johnnie Taylor - Too Many Memories DEAR CHILDEN OF THE MOST HIGH

SIT down and relax for a while. Be grateful, appreciative. Please recognoze the closet evildoers can take all of your money, wealth, inheritances, pride, dreams, virginity, beauty, innocence, wages, labor, etc. Yes, they can be close members of your own family, cousins, aunts, uncles, step mother-fathers, grandparents, and even parents! MOTHERS! stanking, immoral , greedy 'hoes that no one can keep out of a Pulpit or high office. Plum Jezebel bitches that should be brned at the stake upon birth! Well, that is according to "Wo?Man".  These Christian Nationalists believe in "Calculated Cruelty", bullying, colluding, Color, gender, wealth, status and mostly LYING! Please relax, GOD got this and greedy , low life perverted creeps like my bithER, have the "Church".  Yes, they sit up and block your Blessings, straight in your face right in your face! So what? GOD got this! Yes! I'm purely dreamy eyed,  right now. Why? Remembering My GranDDADDY! ROME WALT

Sam Cooke - Unchained Melody

Jesus teaches Us to;"Love ye one another, as I have loved you."  In my seventy-two years of "living", surviving, "SCRUGgling" *, stealing, working my Black ass off, have I met any such "Christians"! No, I never met that wo/man that would give you the "shirt off their back", "give you their last dime", either. Sure, I've met, encountered, co-mingled (with), married (once, very briefly), Team-Taught, with  "Christians", that Tithe, brag about Tithing, (Tithers are always treated better, even though Jeus tells Us to give Our "alms" , gifts, in secret).  "Christians" love to serve as  "Door Keepers", musicians, teachers, volunteer recruiters, but, not one  of "them" shall ever stand up for the innocent children,  they are forcing these sick , sadistic whores,  to birth. No one has ever stood up for me, not even my fellow victims. We all suffered Horribly under the same "bi

Sam Cooke - Unchained Melody

AWESOME! That's a Pan Flute! Sam Cooke is the only Artist gifted enough to match a Pan Flute. If you live long enough, and you are receptive to "learning". That is , sincerely,  and truly acquiring true "knowledge", rather than flexing,  and faking, you can Grow.  Yes, We can all gain tremendously , at any age. Here I am , trying desperately to make Seventy Three , as all of  my "check  vital organs" red light  comes on. No, I'm Not mad! I am a walking, talking Miracle. Yes, I'm due to be dead, a thousand times over. So, I'm grateful! Grateful! Honored! Humbled!  In complete AWE! Yes! I'm Engulfed in (HIS) Grace and Mercy! No! This is Not new! This is GOD's habit with Me! BEAMING!!!

Jimmy Cliff - I Can See Clearly Now (Video Version) AWESOME!!!

When I declare GOD, The HOLYSPIRIT, Karma, Universal Intelligence, (any name you want to call IT; "Right Doing"; true Righteousness, Authenticity, "Keeping IT real"),  GOD is Still Good! No, not just good to me, "GOD" is Good to ALL that desire  the indwelling of The HOLY SPIRIT, period. all the time.  "All the time, GOD is Good!", is more than a feeling, IT is True FACT! IT is True FAITH!!! Yes, I'm Beaming, Growing and GLOWING! DELIVERED! GOD is so good, (S/He) lead, guided, protected Me,(Us), from a two-headed, two legged, Mongrel Monstrosity,  for My entire, long, wonderful, exciting, gifted, "lucky", Blessed life! I'm humbled, grateful, prostrate with humility. While my "mother",  and that thang , my "birthER" deliberately forced on me, always labeled Me ;"Too Black".  They were in fact, Too IMMORAL! Too lying, too fake, too ignorant, too phony, too perverted, too lazy, too greedy, too stupid, 

Reggae Mix 2024 - Bob Marley, Lucky Dube, Peter Tosh, Jimmy Cliff,Grego...Growing and GLOWING!

BEAMING! Growing and GLOWING! BEAMING in the BACKFIRE!  Yes World, of course I'm still celebrating! I have JOY! Is JOY an emotion, so unfamiliar  to imps, liars, haters,  the deliberately ignorant, the "stiff neck", those so fragile , and insecure,  they love to brag on their "Color" and "Good hair"? Why don't those that count themselves "privileged", included, loved, lauded; familiar with JOY I have?  Unbridled, sincere, unspeakable JOY! Because IT is something the imps can't buy, duplicate or immitate. Truthfully, what kind of people brag about how much they have, while most of us suffer from severe "lack"? The HOLY SPIRIT created this great World for all of Us to share and live in blissful JOY , Peace and Happiness. While imps like my birthER, evil, perverted racists , not only brag they horde ninety-nine percent of the wealth, they claim a god that commanded them to do so. LIES!!! World! That is a fool! Shun them!  It to

What Does It Take to Win Your Love

BEAMING!!! YES! My LORD is still Wonderful, still in the saving business, opening doors, pouring out Blessings, abundant Grace and Mercy! Any thing you want, just ask ! That's all. No need to put on aires, no need to pretend to be what you are not. Do love your "color", your "gender". Regardless of your status, play the hand you are dealt. Remember, never forget, "Universal Intelligence",  The HOLY GHOST rights every wrong.  (So, get over hating every mental midget  that wronged you.  GOD is going to Fix It!) Do value your Independence! Do READ! Do seek out your own "Soul Salvation". Do listen to your heart. Do know your worth! Do not let any "system", so called government, "religion", societal myths, lies, taboos , keep you from loving You.   Do love You fiercely! You can be sure , and have no doubt, all those on the side of the righteous, on the side of innocent children, are deeply hated. Yes, I finally cracked the code