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Jimmy Cliff - I Can See Clearly Now (Video Version) AWESOME!!!

When I declare GOD, The HOLYSPIRIT, Karma, Universal Intelligence, (any name you want to call IT; "Right Doing"; true Righteousness, Authenticity, "Keeping IT real"),  GOD is Still Good!
No, not just good to me, "GOD" is Good to ALL that desire  the indwelling of The HOLY SPIRIT, period. all the time.  "All the time, GOD is Good!", is more than a feeling, IT is True FACT! IT is True FAITH!!!
Yes, I'm Beaming, Growing and GLOWING! DELIVERED!
GOD is so good, (S/He) lead, guided, protected Me,(Us), from a two-headed, two legged, Mongrel Monstrosity,  for My entire, long, wonderful, exciting, gifted, "lucky", Blessed life!
I'm humbled, grateful, prostrate with humility. While my "mother",  and that thang , my "birthER" deliberately forced on me, always labeled Me ;"Too Black".  They were in fact, Too IMMORAL! Too lying, too fake, too ignorant, too phony, too perverted, too lazy, too greedy, too stupid,  to ever desire to see Me , beyond My color.
Please do not misinterpret their actions as "innocent",  or blind in any way. They certainly saw. Those two high yalla buzzards,  were dispatched by Satan,  to ruin, to reduce me to the dung, they certainly love to wallow in.
World, never expect sincere compliments from anyone that secretly hates you. Don't waste your time.
I was nothing but criticized  for giving up on my eight months "marriage". Puzzled, my "good Christian friends" expressed how selfish I was.
"What about the baby?", they screamed .
What about this sorry ass, ill tempered, rude, broke ass nigger, that  hates ME?
 The low maggot took out a huge insurance policy on Me! Manipulated me into creating a joint bank account, proceeded to pay for his ex wife's diamond engagement ring. Something the low , stingy, stupid, man loving whore,  never gave Me!
That "thang" himself declared that I wasn't made out of NOTHING! I was too fat , and too BLACK, and he was no longer interested. If I counldn't give him all my money, act like Celie in The Color Purple, ..."Bye!"
Little did that little Pillsbury dough boy,  know!  Why would and wo/man want to live a phony,  fake existence? Why would any wo/man force herself to remain in a loveless marriage?
What wo/man permits herself to be treated like a human toilet? What wo/man is that miserable, lonely, delusional, forsaken, lost? GOD, did that stupid nigger really believe his light color , grey eyes,  and pimp mentality,  was something I ever wanted?
 Seriously, Mr- never- read -an- entire book,  in his long ass,  illiterate life! Has never gone more than twenty minutes without volunteering the stupidest lie.
Mr -never -nice,  unless he wants something.
Nothing to see here , my slutty, ignorant, root working , AMEZ ordained, preaching "mother" practiced this form of torture, often. Little did that low whore ever know, I was being Blessed, Not cursed!
First Martha would pick out someone for you to "get wid". Then s/he would coach, direct ,   mostly interfear with her brand of negativity, lies, and deliberate sabotage.  Just to break you up, and laugh. Why? The low slut for Satan was SADISTIC! Common! IMMORAL! Basically an imp. So what? Relax, LIVE LAUGH LOVE! The evildoer has no power!


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