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Growing and GLOWING! Delivered from the clutches of my enemies!
 Dear LORD, thank You for teaching Me  to never lie for liars!
 To never do anything,  I would be too embarrassed , too ashamed,  to admit I did.
Thank You for crafting  my inner soul, my unconquerable Spirit, My core, the essence of my entire being.
I'm humbled! You taught Me, by example to Never be Cruel!
To the Fullest!
To the Max!
Thank You for teaching me to actually care, to say what I mean, to mean what I say. To love Fiercely! Unconditionally!
To give My love freely and generously, immediately, sincerely
To withdraw it just as fast from an IMMORAL, lying imp
that does nothing but fuss and fight,

 Never spew lies , 
 venom ,
 on the innocent, 
on small children,
 the elderly, 
While knowing Full Well,  "something is not right"! 

The evildoers cannot have Me! 
I will Not Lie!
 I refuse to remain satan's property!
 LORD, may I never , Deliberately,  cause excruciating pain , 
on someone, 
on anyone, I secretly hate or Love,
Stop Me LORD! 
Stop Me dead in my tracks!
Do not take Your Hands off of Me! 
Dear LORD, please do not permit Me to think I can do anything I want, to anyone I want, when ever I want.
May I never grin in anyone's face, stab them in the back,
 then cause them more excruciating pain, 
  for bleeding all over their new shoes.
Dear LORD, may I never falsely believe that I am better than anyone.
I pray I remain humble,
quick to listen,
to learn.
May I never seek to crush with my tongue.
May I never use anyone as a stepping stone.
One thing, please LORD, give me the courage to own up to my mistakes. 
To accept responsibility for "my Wrongs".
Yes I do crave credit for the few things that I managed to get right.
 No one can call me a liar.
 Or a whore.
True,  I am "A sexual".
  Sure, IT may be the result of surviving the many sick, sexual predators,( including my own "mother"), I had to fight. 
I'm Proud!
I celebrate, just the same.
Yes, I did believe I was being the epitome of a "good Christian" woman. 
Yes, I did go to "Church" in search of a mate.
Yes, I was naive , or stupid enough , to believe the good man,  enjoying "Bible Study" with me, in my  new Home, the Home I Won,  was genuine, sincere.
No such thing! s/he was a snake! A viper! Just like m Artha! Stuck on his "Color", his grey eyes.
Did I ignore all of the "Red flags"?
 "Too old"! 
LORD! I was thirty-two!
 My "mother" was gnawing on my ass! 
"Look lak' you ain't gon'nevah git nobody."
So, I like a fool,  went on a "Husband Hunt"!
 I'm laughing now.
 Little did I know, I had moved to the "Black Homosexual Mecca of the entire World",
Do know, that I now know, 
very few wo/Men,  in Atlanta, Georgia,  are straight.
Very few people are "straight".
Most people have had "encounters"
Most people lie!
IT is the most ironic/demonic "thing".
I have discovered; THE INCESTUOUS PEDOPHILES are ENTRENCHED in the "Church"
Thus, * r u m p!
and "on and on"

I knew quite a few couples, in the Eighties,  that were "Closet".  
That is , one , or both,  of the "married partners" was totally homosexual , or bi-sexual.
I think that can work, that is, if both parties are made aware. If both participants remain corgial, respectful, affectionate, kind loving.
World, may mistake, My "homosexual",  Hated women! 
Especially Me
 I married a broke ass, 
jealous ass,
 dumb ass faggot. 
No, I am not homophobic.
 The word faggot is equivalent to the word nigga.
Some niggas are Black , true, Not All.
  Some men are faggots, homosexuals of low morals.
Not all homosexuals are faggots.
Some are honest, Righteous, kind, loving, trustworthy hue-man beings,
 Faggots hide behind their sexual preference, knowing full well the are Predatory! Untrustworthy! 
Should be shunned because they are INCAPABLE OF Change. 
They can Not,
 and shall Not ever,  tell the Truth!

 "Fret not thyself".
 Our war is Spiritual, and GOD got this!
Knowing full well 
That is low LORD, "Rock Bottom". The place of that wo/man m Artha j ane Walters! That incorrigible, homemade witch. 
That stalker, that pretender.
Poor ignorant, IMMORAL mathy jane could never learn,  because s/he could never listen. Yes,s/he really did falsely believe s/he was brilliant, undetectable, fierce, unstoppable.
Yes! m Artha knew full well s/he was as "common as Bat shit".
 Because s/he was! 
Did I fear her?
  Was I terrorized?
Thank you for teaching me to accept responsibility for my own actions. 
 Thank you for my willingness to learn , to seek wisdom.
Thank you for protecting me from the desire to be extremely manipulative, vindictive, IMMORAL!

Thank You for strengthening me!
 Engulfing me in your Grace and Mercy.
Thank you for removing the "stain" of demon Possessed m Artha j ane Walters! 
A Creature! 
A Mongrel Monstrosity!
 A wo/man, so low, so treacherous, few can find enough courage to reveal the Judas goat.
 Far too many shall continue to pretend they actually believe m Artha j ane w alters was  a good person.
Yes, some that "know they know", shall lie, collude, and agree with the horde; 
that I am "Too Black"!
A nothing!
A real loser!
A real waste of space , while the continue to look down on me,
mocking me. 
excluding me,
falsely casting me as a burden!
Something to be kicked,
held down,
So the evildoers says,
never knowing
Not only are the ignorant, Color Struck imps, angry, raging, because I snitched, they seriously side with that stanking dead 'hoe!


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