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Showing posts from January, 2025

Durand Jones & The Indications - Cruisin' to the Park (Official Video)BEAMING!!!


C.C. Rider BEAMING!!!

Honky Tonk Learning my TRUTH!


Sonny Boy Williamson - Your Funeral, My Trial NICE!!!

I Don't Want To Cry (LIve) JACKIE SHANE Video Steven Bogarat N I C E !!!

WOW! This is NICE!!! Of course I've often wondered aloud; "Was my 'mother' really DEMON POSSESSED!?" Well, s/he sure was!!! HORROR UNLEASHED!  Wait, before you falsely believe that old skank won, do know, I'm very grateful for her (secret) demonic intentions.  The low cowardly whore rejected, stalked, "voodooed", RAPED, and lodged lie after lie against me,  for sixty-two years. Why? Just like djt! A "Bottom Feeder"! Vacuous! Empty except for greed, perversion, lust and extreme CRUELTY!!!

Any Other Way: The Life & Times of Jackie Shane | Have You Seen Her



IT IS ALL IN DIVINE ORDER!!! Do "Step out on Faith"! "Fret not thyself because of evildoers" "GOD/The HOLY SPIRIT " will always take care of you.  Please notice as s/he hisses,  rages, fumes, lies, threatens retributions s/he didn't dare put his claws  on that "Bible". "Come ye out from among them!"

So Very Hard to Go (Remastered) There is a "Word from the LORD"

World, do know there was a time I rejoiced, jumped to my feet, clapped, "touched my neighbor", when I heard that sentence. Did I believe IT? I certainly did, "Spiritually",  that is. No, I never believed in a Heaven or a Hell. Even as a small child I had sense enough to know, to distinguish, to recognize parables, didactic stories and myths, passed down for thousands of years. Plus, my own birthER was and remains djt's TWIN! The "Sum of all Sum". Why did s/he demand to preach, to be recognized as an ordained pastor? WICKED! THE SUM TOTAL OF ALL SCUM!!! No, no knuckle dragging, primitive, sexually confused, demon possessed SLUT,  shall hold me captive,  as I learn "My Truth". Has djt bitten off more than s/he can chew? Did you see Obama dapping IT up with t rump? Well, ..."Look well to your going."

Cannonball Adderley Quintet - "Mercy, Mercy, Mercy" (1966) "Write it doewn, make it plain."

AWESOME! When I say A W E S O M E! YOU SAY SHO'NUFF! "Mercy, mercy, mercy"; my favorite word ! Thank You GEE ZUSS! Saved! Delivered from the clutches of an old narcissistic whore, so common, s/he chose to vex me, us, for EVER! Not Me, bitch! I hate You! I hate you martha jane walters , with every fiber of my being! I am very glad you have totally rotted away in your "dirty little grave", by now. I do pray that every lying coward you created, much too successfully, finally turns on you. You were NEVER a good person! Sure you "preached" for over fifty-five years. So!? You were as corrupt,  as poisonous,  as a black adder! No, someone messed up, the "Church" messed up by fearing you, refusing to call you out, to face you. The "Church" failed me, failed us, deliberately "sacrificed" us for "Appearances".  Yes, appearances! Who had the courage to ever face mjw? The low whore was gladly smashing puppies between bricks,...

ConFunkShun-Loves Train "Yes LORD! You are still AWESOME!!!

BEAMING!!! SCREAMING DELIVERANCE!!! HALLELUJAH! PRAISE THE LORD! THANK YOU JESUS! I, Rachel Gwendolyn Doster escaped The SUCCUBUS! THAT ABOMINATION TO THE HOLY GHOST!!! True, I was held tightly in her demon possessed clutches for over sixty-two years. So? What did I miss? An opportunity to be just like her, to sell "Hot Pussy" on Friday,  and Saturday night, then get up and preach on Sunday?  To be as phony as a "Three dollar bill",  for my entire too long life?  To be a low life family creep,  "working roots" on my own family, my own  kin, out of sheer ignorance and jealousy? To pretend I'm actually stupid enough ,to confuse Cruelty with Courage?   Really? mjw is something or someone I should have aspired to be,  just because s/he was so widely feared? Really? The low whore was a maggot! Period! Case closed, I have nothing more to say. Except, if you are a djt,  and or mjw supporter, "Fearer",  silent coward, **** you, very much!

Stevie Wonder - Golden Lady LIFE ING!!!

Seriously! amerikkka? Have you "Screwed the Pooch"? (Again?)  Really? I'm supposed to demean myself,  because you do? Millions upon millions, line up by Color and Gender , just to prove that a seriously,  mentally , and emotionally impaired IMP, can't be stopped! That the richest men in the World get to "Ruin the World", just because, they can, supposedly. Ridiculous! According to the maggots, all People of Color "better bow down"! All People of Color better know who is in charge! Well, "All I know, is all I know." I know my own "BirthER" , was a low life, common Pervert , that lived "wrong", ( much too long),  for Eighty-Eighty Years! My GOD from Zion, I am on this blog to Testify of the "Goodness of GOD"! I know it for myself, no one had to tell me. As a matter of fact, no one ever told me, or told us. The"Church, and caring "Loved ones" , forced us to figure that skank=y=fied , demon possess...

Bee Gees - Stayin' Alive (Official Music Video) BEAMING!!!

YESSSSSSS! I'M OVER THE *********MOON!  RESCUED!!! DELIVERED!!! IN COMPLETE AWE!!! Dear Children of the Most High, Please be ABSOLUTELY ABUNDANTLY BLESSED!!! Remain humble, grateful, "teachable",  reachable. Keep your WORD! Your integrity is all you have. Do NOT sell your birthrite for a mess of pottage. Stop lying for LIARS! Practice some "Self LOVE"! Hold your head up! Walk tall! Do know, you are not forsaken! Being deliberately excluded from these mongrel imps, is a BLESSING! COLOR! What does color have to do with character? What does gender have to do with ability to serve? Do you want to be caught doing that demon possessed dance? Are you really stupid enough to serve an evil, greedy,  sadistic narcissistic IMP?  Well, "more power to you!" "As for me and my house..." We shall exercise "Common Sense"! BEAMING!!!