World, do know there was a time I rejoiced, jumped to my feet, clapped, "touched my neighbor", when I heard that sentence.
Did I believe IT? I certainly did, "Spiritually", that is. No, I never believed in a Heaven or a Hell. Even as a small child I had sense enough to know, to distinguish, to recognize parables, didactic stories and myths, passed down for thousands of years.
Plus, my own birthER was and remains djt's TWIN! The "Sum of all Sum".
Why did s/he demand to preach, to be recognized as an ordained pastor? WICKED! THE SUM TOTAL OF ALL SCUM!!!
No, no knuckle dragging, primitive, sexually confused, demon possessed SLUT, shall hold me captive, as I learn "My Truth".
Has djt bitten off more than s/he can chew?
Did you see Obama dapping IT up with t rump?
Well, ..."Look well to your going."
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