Seriously! amerikkka? Have you "Screwed the Pooch"? (Again?) Really? I'm supposed to demean myself, because you do? Millions upon millions, line up by Color and Gender , just to prove that a seriously, mentally , and emotionally impaired IMP, can't be stopped! That the richest men in the World get to "Ruin the World", just because, they can, supposedly.
According to the maggots, all People of Color "better bow down"! All People of Color better know who is in charge!
Well, "All I know, is all I know."
I know my own "BirthER" , was a low life, common Pervert , that lived "wrong", ( much too long), for Eighty-Eighty Years!
My GOD from Zion, I am on this blog to Testify of the "Goodness of GOD"!
I know it for myself, no one had to tell me. As a matter of fact, no one ever told me, or told us. The"Church, and caring "Loved ones" , forced us to figure that skank=y=fied , demon possessed, perverted, murdering, low life, whore, out, on our own.
Please permit me to Rage! To express my anger, and resentment towards the modern day "Church". Mainly toward the so called "Christians", still trying to pawn off that SUCCUBUS , as the "Chosen One".
Hear me, and "Hear me Good!", I'M DELIVERED!!!
My own "birthER" was djt's Twin, in every way.
Anybody still claiming to love djt can K my A!!!
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