No one has a right to sit in judgment and deny another hue-man being his or her INALIENABLE RIGHTS!
There is No Government, no wo/man , able to commit such grievous wrong, to so many people, for so long, unless The Holy Spirit be willing and most hue-mans remain lost.
Jesus told us to pluck out our own eye if it offended us. Of course I am highly offended. Stalked by Caligula wearing two wigs and a dress for EIGHTY-SEVEN YEARS !
World! A cretin, a lustful lying viper crept up into our family and deliberately destroyed it because s/he was an imp. A psychologically diseased monstrosity! A homemade monster that did sincerely believe her skin color and hair texture entitled her to her; “Secret life of Evil Jealousy , Envy, carnal Knowledge and WITCHCRAFT “.
“MY LORD FROM ZION!” I can finally see the HORROR UNLEASHED on the Walters klan, on the small village of Wade Station , North Carolina. I am standing flat footed on “The Goodness of the LORD” , as my mind races back ten, twenty, thirty, ... sixty-seven years and I am overcome. Delighted, delirious ... safe in my Savior’s arms.
True, that low whore Martha brought us all “down a peg or two”. But what did s/he get? What shall
that old lying reprobate 🦍rump get?
What shall all the lying vipers get! Disgraced! DESOLATION!
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