Beg for repentance. This is when you dig out your eye. Your eye has surely offended you. Something horrid has gone wrong with you, your soul is lost.
Maybe you need to go back to the day you started murdering small animals and screaming in delightful sadistic glee.
What you do not do, do not do like my sneaky, low life, conniving, viperous mother. Do not go to “preaching “. You shall be known.
It is betrayal of the worse kind. It is something too sickening to fully recognize. It is diabolical, just short of physical murder. INCEST is deliberate spiritual murder by a parent that is despicable, a HORRID WHORE! A Wretch! Fake preaching can’t cleanse you.
When this happens, when some viper creeps up into “good families”, s/he should not be hidden, cloaked or respected in any way. Especially after s/he is long dead.
No one should be so poorly educated, so spiritually dead, as to accept Mathy’s lousy, half ass, homemade brand of “repentance”. The wo/man was a TROLL! A selfish troll! Not accidentally, mind you, ON PURPOSE!
MARTHA JANE WALTERS was a volunteer slave! A carnal imp, a nymphomaniac , “root working”, pathologically lying, murdering, ignorant whore for 87 YEARS!
My mother ended up the horrid whore she became simply because she didn’t want to pick cotton. Discovering how easy it was to pick pockets , Martha became what s/he became; MISERABLE!
“WE the family”; do not have to remain miserable.
While it remains extremely painful to admit Martha, our mother, was truly demon possessed, not knowing, not admitting is NOT PROTECTING. YOU MUST KEEP YOUR ARMOR ON! You must stay prayed up dealing with a demon possessed abomination to The Holy Ghost! S/he lurks. S/he lurks in the form of 🦍rump, MAGA-ers. Beware! Exercise great caution living.
Remain in faith, remain in constant prayer. Remain humble. Be abundantly blessed as you seek
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