Why? In my case, our case, we were born into the diabolical clutches of a sick, mentally ill , tormented demon. My mother was Legion!
Now 🦍trump-ers, maga-ers are plaguing me, us, pre-judging people of color only. Daring OUR Just GOD to do anything!
Just like my mother! What a WHORE! INCEST!!PEDOPHILIA! WITCHCRAFT!
No , their deplorable ignorance, repugnant cruelty, is not new. Nor is it accepted by “good people “.
Feared. Yes! Dear LORD on this day I pray , I humbly petition You to do to Marta Jane Walters ,what s/he did to others for eight-seven years. Dear LORD I pray you finally expose Martha for the racist ravenous sorsorress s/he always was.
Yes, I’m still “mad”, angry, raging! (Calm me LORD) I finally broke down and revealed the low life , carnal slut , and not one whimper from the world. Why? Because I am penniless, “broke as a joke”? Or is it my gender? My skin color? My age?
No matter what, if trifling ass Martha could have ever stopped trying to tear down others in her horrid attempts to destroy the righteous, s/he could have been a worthwhile hue-man being.
S/he chose satan! Make no mistake, her choice was deliberate! Wrong but, deliberate.
Too bad, I am not sad. The CHOICE is still ours.
“Many are called, few are chosen.” Not because The Holy Spirit doesn’t want us, WE must want The Holy Spirit.
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