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“Woke up this morning feeling fine, woke up with heaven on my mind.”

I loved that song! I also knew I was going to hear that song blasting early every morning if my granddaddy, Jerome Walters was around. “Early bed, early to rise” was the example he set.

I love my granddaddy. Please notice, I say love in the present tense. He is truly “dearly departed”. I miss him every day! He was a good man! Morally upright! Honest as the day is long. Generous, compassionate, wise, well spoken, quite tall and handsome.

Jerome Walters lived to be eighty-four years old before his demon possessed, sadistic, psychotic daughter shot him in the heart. The low whore labeled it a suicide. I still rage because the low whore got away. Stalked and deliberately tried to destroy everyone that caused her the grief of her own envy or lust.

Then, the Holy Spirit reminds me, shows me the “Silver lining”. Martha’s deep , irrational, secret hatred for her father, was really self-hatred. In truth, s/he should have hated herself, her secret repugnant life enough to really kill herself, not just threaten often as a ploy to get her way. The low slut was a HORROR!

S/he lived to shock people by committing unspeakable acts against children, then daring, terrorizing you for daring to reveal her. Yes, the cunt was 🦍rump.

Did Martha hate herself because s/he was so carnal, so perverted, so lying, so phony? Did s/he ever hate herself for her sick incestuous -pedophile impulses? I know s/he refused help. I know the ignorant savage slut was a witch! A “root worker”.

I know the whore deliberately mocked GOD, her daddy and the entire village of Wade Station , North Carolina, securing a piece of paper declaring s/he was ordained minister. ( Be careful where you worship, snakes are in the pulpit!)

No! The low whore preferred to secretly hate GOD for establishing Commandments s/he didn’t agree with, never intended to honor.  Never, never, never. Bitch! You did, you really believed your dumb, lying, lascivious ass was smarter than GOD.


My mother did finally die. Many did follow behind her rotting corpse pretending to weep. Me?  I can not lie, I celebrated.  I’M GLAD THE LOW WHORE FOR sATAN IS FINALLY ROTTING IN HER DIRTY LITTLE GRAVE!

My fantastic grandfather, the MAN  that surely saved my life, our lives , lies in an unmarked, unkempt grave. For that I grieve.

Don’t worry granddaddy, you are not forgotten or forsaken. Your slutty daughter and fellow evildoers knocked me off my “game”, temporally.

I’m cool now. I know Jesus will fix it.




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