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AWESOME! AWESOME! AWESOME!  What do evil doers do , when they get caught red handed? They RAGE! They Lie! They blame! They "Cut-the-evil-demonic-fool"! They cut, they shoot, bludgeon! Crucify! Mainly, they DENY! DENY! DENEY!

Then they turn to extreme hate! They block you! Take all your fiends, foes and family. They laugh! They brag about how ell they are winnining.

Yes, they love to pick on children, infants, the poor, the elderly and most certainly , all Messengers of GOD's Holy Truth.

  They run for Conjure! Wo/men like my "birther", shake "Dust". Low,  fallen whores , like my "mother", would rather wipe their filthy, nasty, stanking ass, in a letter,  and mail it to her only daughter, before they will dare humble themselves and ever admit the Truth.

Skanks! Low skanks! Refuse to read! Refuse to study! Thieves! Thieves , still too vacuous to know what they stole.

They say ; "Misery loves company". Lies you tell; Misery, MAKES company. Misery is a brilliant, evil, demonic bitch. Misery bares children without fathers, deliberately.

MISERY, has nothing but "bad intentions". Misery claims s/he was viciously and violently raped as an eight year old child. Misery always blamed that act for her "low character".

Yes, Martha Jane Walters was  always a "not so secret" pervert. S/he was a very carnal wo/man because s/he was a "bonified " nymphomaniac.  A common, fallen wo/man to the extreme. Martha loved Incest and Pedophilia , as much as s/he loved robbing, looting, conning and "preaching for cover".

At any rate; "If it don't come out in the wash, it will come out in the rinse."

amerikkka is leaderless, has run clean out of excuses for it's trifling-ness, unfairness, extreme inhumanity.

Yes, my "mother" cursed me before s/he died. Strangely, s/he knew, I knew, s/he was lying. S/he knew,  I knew why. The low slut lied anyway. Knew full well s/he could come into the Kingdom , in the last hour. The ignorant, pathological lying, home made root worker, died unrepentant because s/he was not chosen.

Martha Jane Walters was always just another lazy, lying , jealous, envious, destructive, demon possessed imp that pretended her color and hair texture gave her the same "white privileges", all white people claim.

So what, s/he is finally gone and a  great deal just like her , shall soon join her.

Why? TOTAL DESTRUCTION!  As I live and learn, it is now obvious, that horrid wo/man , forced to birth me, NEVER had one good intention for me, for anyone, EVER! 

So? I never took Physics but, my GranDDADDY taught me; "For every action , there is an equal and opposite,  reaction. The dreaded Mathy Jane,  did stalk, haunt, and terrorize,  me, for my entire life but, The HOLY SPIRIT  rescued me. 

Everything that sick whore "successfully" blocked, destroyed, ruined, low-rated, BACKFIRED! I REJOICE!

So, what if d t, that SUCCUBUS ,  is given the presidency again? Not, my business. d ts and mathy janes are prolific. So? Their time is up!

Jesus told US to know OUR Truth. amerikkka is leaderless,  and much too toxic, too racist, too cruel , too selfish, to be considered a "Christian" Nation. Call the whore what s/he is! A low life , fallen,  slutty, racist, color struck,  CONtry!

Relax, It is ALL in Divine Order!
Thursday, October 29, 20/20


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