AWESOME! AWESOME! AWESOME! GOD is Good, all the Time. All the Time, GOD is Good!
I don't care who you are, where you are, how long you have been "losing", tormented by your lying accusers. Do not fret over the state you are in. Poor credit, no credit, Jesus paid it ALL! REJOICE!
GOD GOT THIS! Please know why the oppressors are raging. Stop, Think Critically! What kind of god ranks people by "color", gender, status, "wealth"? Seriously, what kind of god deliberately, unfairly, cruelly, and ruthlessly, rewards only One percent of [HIS] creation?
What kind of People claim credit, blessings, for being born with "light skin"? How repulsive! How absolutely ignorant! IMPS!
Demons, the horde of demons prophesied in the book of Revelation. "Ye shall know them by their fruit." Their deeds are all carnal, greedy, cruel, sadistic and UNENDING! All they do is lie, steal and kill! Murder, molest, mangle, miam, and run to "Church" every Wednesday night. Build beautiful cathedrals to impress man. Yes, they are so common, they slap their name on GOD's Word. "The Billy Graham Crusades"!
Why not the Jesus Crusades? Be careful of Churches, where the pastor 's picture is on every wall.
This CONtry was founded on the evilest, cruelest, most inhuman forms of DEBAUCHERY, every evil mind, could conceive.
No, it has nothing to do with "color", gender, status or wealth. It is spiritual. Jesus told us to know Our Truth. Our Truth, far too many , extremely evil, demon possessed imps, are cloistered, in far too many families. Far too many families have been "conditioned", brainwashed, to accept these mongrels.
Yes, the "Church", at least the evangelical Church I grew up in, was brainwashed by, tried to force me to keep quiet about our albatross. Well, I refuse! I want the entire World to know I was birthed by a MAGGOT! A Fag-GOAT! An unholy MONSTROSITY! Yes, d t's twin!
#1- Pathological Liar
#2-Dumb as ****! Un-read! Very low intellectual stamina. Never possessed enough intellect to earn a college degree. Yes, s/he stole one, could not earn one. Too whorish!
#4-Soothe Sayer! Conjurer! ROOT WORKER!
#5-STALKER! Blessing Blocker!
No matter. For Sixty-Two long years , my so-called "mother" , stalked me, was in pursuit of me. Was actually in pursuit of all of the "bastards" , s/he felt compelled to birth. Why? Ignorant? Perhaps. Mainly, just wicked, demon possessed.
Demons, Martha collected from murdered men's graves, attempting to play god. Yes, s/he was an idiot, an imp. However, s/he knew better. Of course s/he always knew better. The lazy imp chose satan based on skin color.
Wait, before you gasp, pretending you didn't know. What kind of people CAGE CHILDREN , gleefully, happily? DEMONIC!
What kind of people support d t? DEMONIC!
Wait, what kind of people can't manage to put up a decent fight against the oppressor? The other oppressor. The only difference between a Democrat and a Republican, is nothing. Both are greedy liars. Both "color struck" , white supremest.
When I was fourteen years old, I remember carrying a sharpen knife, on me at all times. I promised GOD if my Black ass, red eyed, carnal, lustful "stepfather", ever put his filthy , perverted hands on me again , I was going to stab the *** out him!
I vowed to Almighty GOD! I put the onus on GOD. "GOD if that Black Mu***********, eva touch me again; I AM GOING TO STAB HIS BLACK ASS, A ZILLION TIMES".
Luckily for him, Martha found a new man and traded in her little, short, Jet Black Pervert, for a tall , good looking , too young, Gigalo. What I didn't know, took me nearly fifty years to realize, I should have been sharpening that knife for low slut, too.
At any rate, The HOLY SPIRIT, has always warned me, alerted me, kept me from cloistered, cloaked, deranged demons. Always up preaching, how much they love GOD.
Yes, I'm BEAMING! The low slut is dead. It doesn't matter if that Judas-swine "wins", or successfully steals the "Election", (again), November 4, GOD GOT THIS!
Monday, October 26, 20/20
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