AWESOME! AWESOME! AWESOME! BEAMING! Yes, I am up early , dancing on that dead demon's unrepentant grave, again.
BEAMING! Over joyed! S/he was HORRID! Unnecessarily so? No, very necessary. mjw and d t (Damien) , are very necessary! How else will this World come to know the "true hearts" of wo/men? "Ye shall know them by their fruit."
I still bristle, cave, shiver, shake, rock and cry uncontrollably, finally realizing, what a true jealous, sick, sadistic, ignorant, envious monster , mjw always was. No, s/he was NEVER a good person! NEVER!
Good people do not become treacherous "Root Workers", child molesters, child rapists, sadistic child tormentors. No, good people do NOT MURDER THEIR OWN FATHERS AND FRAME HIM FOR SUICIDE!
Good mothers do NOT stalk their own children forever , screaming, decrying, blaming them, for her fucked up, miserable, fake life.
Wait, good people do NOT demand silence concerning such a creature. Good people do NOT pretend I'm lying, offer their condolences, just in case my tale is true.
No, good people do NOT sit up in a "building" with these horrible monsters every Sunday, pretending anyone as low, as common, as slutty, as sadistic , as deceitful, as cunning, as demon possessed , as my own "birth-ER" , to be a fellow struggling Christian.
Jesus told us to shun the very presence of evil yet, I am stuck among folk talking about; "Let it go! Forgive her!"
Remain stoic. Pretend this horrid shit didn't affect you. Hold your head up. Pretend like your own "mother" was not the lowest, commonest, sickest, fucked-up-est, miserable nigger, maggot slut , that ever lived, if it will keep you in good standing with your fellow fake friends.
"Call a THING A THING!" If it is filthy, throw it out, CAST IT OUT! SHUN THE VERY PRESENCE OF EVIL!
World, mjw did NOT suddenly become evil! The low, maggot, slut , was born evil! Was s/he a test? If s/he was, the Walters family sure flunked it.
World, my "mother", my "birth-ER" was the manifestation of PURE EVIL! wHITE SUPREMACY , at it's finest.
ALL People that are still pretending that they are dumb enough to rank fellow hue-man beings by color, gender, status, wealth, age, or any other frivolous excuse, are now fully exposed.
Do what you will . GOD is going to have [HIS] way. IT IS ALL IN DIVINE ORDER! WE ALL GOT TO MOVE!
Wednesday, November 11, 20/20
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