AWESOME! AWESOME! AWESOME! This is not just another day to praise and rejoice! Today is special. I feel so good! I am actually floating! BEAMING!
MANY YEARS ago , I, WE, were born into the vicious, clutches of a DEMON POSSESSED IMP! Yes, I know full well what unchecked horror feels like. Yes, that martha jane walters was such a vile, sick, cruel, sadistic, psychopath , for so long, s/he does not even deserve to have her name capitalized..
I have spent my entire life attempting to survive evil, demon possessed "Christians" , such as my "birth-ER". ONE SICK, SICK, SICK, DEMON POSSESSED WHORE!
WORLD, You better READ! You better STUDY! satan got your Church and gone! I am living proof! Who knew my "mother" killed, bludgeoned small animals for sadistic pleasure , as a small child? GOD!
Who knew s/he stole pennies off of the eyes of her dead uncle as a small child? GOD! Who knew s/he deliberately set her own grandmother on fire as a small child? GOD!
Who knew martha jane walters was NEVER more than a vile , venemous, retililian, succubus, SENT TO DESTROY THE entire Walters Clan? GOD
Who let her "Let" until s/he be taken out? GOD!
Who snatched my blinders off? Revealed my "mother", the "Church" and this CONtry? GOD!
Please stay with me, follow my "train of thought". Why is a ghoul, a complete SUCCUBUS , the so-called president of the united states? amerikkka is under satanic attack. A well earned attack. While WE are taught to view all people of color as "undesirables", that demonic thinking, shall destroy everything these ravenous wolves are trying desperately to preserve.
Yes, my own "birth-ER" taught me , Us, that ALL people of color were "undesirable", of no count. My own pathological lying "mother" taught me that I was nothing! That I wasn't SHIT! That I was nothing but a poor Black bastard, CUNT!
Why? Why would my own "mother" deliberately promote such lies for Sixty-two years of my long life? EVIL! Yes, World , mjw was eaten up with WITCHCRAFT! Was burdened down with Eighty-Eight years of Demon Collecting.
Yes World, if you pissed mjw off, made her jealous, envious ar tried to admonish her in any way, you were getting a "Root"! Not only did mjw freely "root". s/he freely beat, bludgeoned, raped, robbed and molested!
My mother taught me that anyone could do anything to me, to Us, to ALL people of color, because GOD hated Us.
GOD hated Us because "Ham" , a black man, laughed at this drunken , naked ass daddy, five thousand years ago. Yes, GOD is suppossed to be so vengeful, so full of hate, that his curse of the Black man shall live forever!
My ignorant, fresh out of Chattel Slavery "mother", claimed that s/he could do anything that ever crossed her mind, because s/he had mastered Voodoo and Conjure. S/he possessed the "Book of Secrets", THE SEVEN BOOKS OF MOSES!
Well World, that ignorant fallen slut, used that book against her own family for Eighty-Eight years! Why? s/he demanded to be a successful closet Lesbian, a Madame. martha jane walters demanded to use her jackleg, limited knowledge of voodoo and conjure, to enslave Us. No, not the entire World, just Us.
The Truth is martha jane walters was never more than a fallen wo/man, a nymphomaniac, a closet Queen. A child molester, an INCESTUOUS PEDOPHILE! A MURDERER , many times over. A Thief! A (secret) destroyer that preached just to mock GOD and collect MONEY. Money s/he used to gamble with or buy young studs.
World, mjw's time is up. So is d t's. If he steals this election, which I feel he is "slated" to do, so what?
GOD knows, GOD sees, GOD moves.
Monday, November 2, 20/20
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