AWESOME! AWESOME! AWESOME! Ova' here dancing on that dead slut's grave again! Praise The LORD!
Do it, go on and do it. Love yourself! Love yourself fiercely! Love yourself honestly, sincerely, Put your trust in "GOD", in The HOLY SPIRIT! Believe, know, have not one shadow of doubt, right wins over wrong, every time, not some time.
Me, you, trump, trumpets, Republicans, Democrats, the One Percent, Putin, no one can beat GOD blessing.
"Endure to the end". My horrid, inhumane, inhue-man, sluttly, nymphomaniac, sadistic, psychotic, perverted "birth-ER" , never let up! NEVER! World, make no mistake, one martha jane walters, was one sick, sick, sick , slutty bitch, that lived much too long.
Lived too long for me, lived too long, by my standards, except for one thing, the Awesome BACKFIRE! Yes, the gifts I gained, because I was forced to endure that sick, psychotic, bloody slut , for Sixty-two Years!
I praise GOD! I am not sorry! I benefited. Every plot that low, functioning whore, plotted, planned, backfired. The more I won, the more we won, the more that sick whore , played god. Always bragged that we should be grateful s/he permitted six of us to "breathe breath".
Never once in eighty-eight years apologized for anything, was never wrong. In martha's sick demon possessed head, the entire world that refused to bow down to her was wrong. S/he was perfect. S/he was light bright, damn near white. S/he could do no wrong. World, martha jane walters was always a bully, always a predator, always up to no good.
Yes, s/he was a stain on my grandfather's good name. Yes, s/he was sick, perverted and hard to escape. But, s/he finally died! BEAMING! Literally dancing on that dead whore's unrepentant grave!
Rot slut! Rot unrepentant slut! Rot eighty-eight year old Pathological liar! Rot stanking ass, nasty ass, repulsive ass, common ass, incestuous pedophile , homemade "root doctor"!
Rot your dumb ass, jealous ass, envious ass off! Rot slut for bragging about your white skin for eighty-eight years. Rot for murdering your own father! Rot for stealing his money, his mantel. Just rot for eternity for daring to come to this earth and live the life that you lived!
Of course I hate what you did. Yes, you did it. No, you could not "unring" that bell. But you could stop bitch! You could have quit. You never quit because you lacked the desire. martha jane walters you lived the life of a murdering maggot and you died a murdering maggot. But , you sure gave me a good book, a fantastic blog and most of all, due too your mind boggling, mind numbing stupidity, I found my Freedom!
I finally learned to love myself. I finally learned how to love mine. And yes, because of creatures like you, I learned to Love the LORD, to put all my Trust in [HIM]!
You fake, closet, Lesbian/homosexual preachers, almost did me in. But GOD!
Sunday, November 29, 20/20
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