AWESOME! AWESOME! AWESOME! GOODGOTUHMIGHTYYYYYYY! Yes, WE occupy a World jam packed with fools! Dullards! Just dumb! Too stupid to be believed, pools of fools. While nothing can be done, WE, you, I, don't have to suffer.
My LORD, I am so HAPPY! For what ever reason, I was held captive by the sickest, demon possessed viper, to ever slither on this Earth! World, all this abject misery, I have been forced to suffer, for my entire long life, stem from the so-called CHURCH!
I know now it is not the real CHURCH. It is certainly not GOD's CHURCH. This Institution that I was "raised" in, forced to attend for the first twenty-one years of my life, has proved to be taken over, held hostage by evildoers, ravenous wolves, men and women like my "mother", birth-ER.
Very few "Christian" ever bother to read the Book they gleefully persecute with. When they do read it, they are searching it, cherry picking it, for something that sounds godly, perfect scripture to manipulate others or justify their deep treachery.
Wait! They hate the Truth. If I or anyone came near my "mother" with the Truth, IMMEDIATE EVISCERATION, FOREVER!
We learned early through martha's trauma bonding, go along to get along, skin and grin and give that low life slut all your money, all your time. Shit, just give up and give the vicious succubus your life.
That is what my brother did. He is a handsome genius that our "mother" took delight in destroying. He was a medical doctor, now he is ain't shit. Why? Jealousy and envy. Dear LORD , heal my brother, restore him. Stand him up, give him the strength to finally reject, REBUKE that horrid whore he still loves.
I am certainly an Empath! My grandmother called me "tender hearted". What ever it is, I can feel "pain", the excruciating , physical or emotional pain of others. I can't stand it. I am immediately moved to compassion, to tears. And of course the evil doers always mock my tears.
Many look at my life , scorn me, call me stupid. My name is spat upon. I am rebuked and rejected by all my kin. Why? "Telling", snitching, revealing. When I came out and revealed my own "mother" was a murderous, sadistic, psychotic, incestuous pedophile, ordained pastor , "root worker", I have been cast down, held down, laughed at and mocked.
So? You don't know like I know. I know time changes all things. I know my "root working", slutty "mother's" constant, unending, relentless persecution, has made me Strong.
I know because of her deliberate interference, unending meddling and her determination to destroy me, my life, led to my marrying a FAGGOT! One dumb idiot FAG-GOAT! Any "Church" claiming I got to love and forgive that pile of dead dog shit, can kiss my ass.
All the "Christians" that distance themselves from me, because I "cuss" and smoke Weed, can kiss my ass too. Just how fucking dumb are you? If you really believe there exists a Supreme Power, that will hate you, cut you off for expressing "vulgar" language, you are indeed an idiot and you deserve to suffer.
Yes, I am up early, again, dancing on that dead demon's grave. A low slut , always too sorry to get up, too cowardly, to ever so much as mumble the Truth about anything.
The fact that any Church, any family member, any friend or kin, that thinks silence, cloaking and cloistering for martha jane walterss or donald j trump is a good thing, go ahead.
I am all aglow in the BACKFIRE!
Wednesday, November 25, 20/20
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