AWESOME! AWESOME! AWESOME! The stankin' , lying, deceitful, carnal , sadistic 'hoe, wasted sixty-two years of her sick, demon possessed , trifling, "donald trump-ish" life, trying to destroy me.
Anti-mother! Anti-daughter! Anti-sister! ANTI-CHRIST! It All backfired , low imp, phony, fake "Christian". I am Glowing in the BACKFIRE!
Low whore , you screamed at me, demanded that I take your filth , to My grave. Why? When I finally got the courage to confront you concerning my childhood rape, you went BALLISTIC! You threw everything at me, in defense of your miserable life.
#1- It wasn't your fault. Nothing was ever your fault. You married that "jet black , monkey looking nigger" to help us. Low life niggers had tricked you, messed over you , and left you with three bastard children. Lying promiscuous Whore!
You low stanking, carnal whore! You were just as perverted as that "thang" you married. If the Truth ever be know, you were always more perverted than he was. Yes, martha, you were the "Lead Pervert".
#2- You used your guile, manipulative skills, voodoo and conjure, to lure me out a real Graduate school. Why? You knew I would be successful, that I would "out do " you. Being the vile serpent that you are, you tricked me into attending a glorified "High School" , that posed as a "Graduate School".
While that school was full of jealous, envious, vicious, untrustworthy imps, just like you, I discovered THE NEGRO COLLECTION! Yes, stanking 'hoe, I read FORTY TWO VOLUMES OF SLAVE NARRATIVES! And what did I learn? I learned about low life, common ass, "root workers" , volunteer Witch doctors, just like your common ass.
No wonder you refused repentance. SKANK!
#3- Fifty plus years of EVANGELICAL PREACHING! Not only did you preach falsely, low 'hoe, you did it for Cover. You were one sly fox. Eighty-eight years of sheer EVIL! martha jane walters you volunteered to be a Jezebel whore, an incestuous-PEDOPHILE, an ABOMINATION TO THE HOLY GHOST!
#4- You refused repentance, you refused to apologize, you flat refused to reap what you sowed. Now you are rotting. That thang, your twin , refuses to give up his ill gotten "power" , also. So? When GOD gets ready, he will move. Just like your low ass had to move.
#5- You told me not to piss on your grave when you were dead. I don't bitch, I DANCE ON IT!
#6- You were racists, claimed all white people superior , simply because you looked "white".
#7- You were one SICK, SICK, SICK, SADIST SUCCUBUS martha jane walters and I am exceedingly glad to know, to fully recognize, how The HOLY GHOST has always protected me from your low, scummy ass, and fellow mag-Goats and Judas swine, just like you.
Reverse the Curse Family!
Sunday, November 22, 20/20
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