AWESOME!AWESOME! AWESOME! "There is a Balm in Gilead to heal the sin sick heart."
My LORD from Zion! s/he belonged to satan! Always did! Sadly, it is now obvious, way more people feared her lying, sadistic, perverted, demonic, demon possessed ass , than loved her.
Shit, the Truth, anyone that actually, truly loved "mathy jane", fucking deserves to suffer. I can't save everybody. I barely saved myself. It took me thirty-seven years to finally go "no contact".
Shit, I broke that after nine years. Why? The "Church". Well, anyway, I would have never found out , just exactly how low, how common, how sick, and demented , s/he really was. Who knew such a person, a real hue-man being, possible? GOD! The HOLY SPIRIT!
"WE all got to pray sometime." I was made to pray! Yes, that low slut, that old slewfooted, common ass, selfish ass, jealous, envious, low functioning, racist ass bitch, made me seek GOD's Face!
Praise the LORD!
Sunday, November 29, 20/20
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