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I Wonder as I Wander (Joan Baez)

AWESOME! AWESOME! AWESOME! "Trouble don't last always."  Bull****! The fact I have to cuss in code , is more evidence of the sheer bull****  propagated by the "Church", than the thousands of books written to identify vipers like my "mother", wo/men  that (secretly)  delight in tormenting their own progeny FOREVER!

  The rise of this Mongrel Monstrosity and the  "millions" that have agreed to highjack religion, delight in causing massive death and destruction,  offer absolute proof , most "Christians" are nothing short of DEMONIC!

Yes, most so-called "Christians" are not Christ life AT ALL! Most are just like my "mother" and her people. We used to damn near get whiplash, suddenly altering our activities and "personalities", once a week, EVERY F*******ING SUNDAY!

My"mother" was a part time prostitute, soothe sayer, Tarot carder reader and jackleg Gepsy! Yes, and all round swindler that preached for money and most of all to appear to be something s/he wasn't and something s/he damn sure never wanted to be.

During the week, my "mother" always hated all Christians, all those that professed "righteousness", showed any form of kindness.  Except for her, of course. S/he always deserved better treatment than "those black ass N******Ers! S/he was "light bright and damn near white!"

Case closed. No, here WE go again. Got a fool cloistered up in the white house.  Too cowardly to apologize. He is white! he has blonde hair and blue eyes! The World better bow down! If not, what?

My birth-ER always had the same attitude. Came to this good Earth, just showed the F*** Out! Sought pity and forgiveness based on the fact s/he preached so well.

martha jane walters demanded to be forgiven because NOTHING  was ever her fault! Plus, s/he mastered the "back lie" better than any creature , living or dead.  

Well, if you had ever read that Book thoroughly, you would have repented and come into The Kingdom. 

First of all , my own "mother"/birth-ER was a full fledged, f********** DEMON! De-mutha********ing DEPRAVED!  Lucifer's personal slut, satan's lowest 'hoe, hue-man"tain't" , (ain't pussy and ain't ass). Sick! Sick! Sick! Sadistic! Sadistic! Sadistic! And worse than that, a family too dumb to shed that slut.

What did s/he do? How did s/he do it? The low ignorant slut worked witchcraft AND Preached!

Damn! Just how f***ing retarded were we? Did Slavery do that to us? Or was it the "Church"? Ignorant ass n*******-ers , repeating ignorant ass n********-er s***!  "Gawd don't put no mo'on you than you can bear."  What the F***! I saw, I witnessed martha jane walters , beat the skin off of her newly wed husband,  when s/he was found 'fornicating" in the front seat of his brand new Ford Fairlane!

Worse, the slut made him get on his knees and beg for HER forgiveness! If that was not satan, demonic activity, satanic attack, there is no such thing.

S/he is dead now,  though. Praise the LORD!

Protect the children LORD! Place your "Hand of Mercy" around ALL of Your Children. In the mighty name of Jesus, I pray!


Friday, December 4, 20/20


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