AWESOME! AWESOME! AWESOME! I love this song, it always puts me in the Holiday spirit.
For many years I traveled I-20 East and I-95 North, back to North Carolina, back to family, for the Christmas Holidays.
For many years I blindly did the "Family thing". Family is everything, I was always taught. Love your mother. All HOGWASH! All bullshit!
Now, I am humbled! Exhausted, finally realizing I was in a full fledged war with satan for SIXTY-TWO YEARS!
I am still dazed and confused. HORROR UNLEASHED! World, my own"mother", my "birth-ER" was one SICK, PSYCHOTIC, SADISTIC, DEMON POSSESSED , SLUTTY WHORE FOR EIGHTY-EIGHT YEARS!
WHY? How? Easy, we were "TRAUMA BONDED" by the sickest, most sadistic, evil hue-man MAGGOT to ever slither on this planet Earth? An Ordained Pastor/Minister for over Fifty years! How? Fear! Ignorance! The System of white Supremacy.
s/he is dead now. Been dead over seven years! The number "Seven" signifies completion. That horrid slut martha is complete. That whore did what s/he came here to do, Mock GOD!
Praise the LORD!
Did martha jane walters really believe s/he could get away, forever? No! That is precisely why s/he laid blame at my feet, for the sixty-two years s/he deliberately held me captive. For my entire life, I was always the "cause" with EVERYTHING that went wrong in that pathological lying, closet lesbian prostitute's long life.
"You duh 'cause of my son fo-sukking me." "You duh cause of all my huzbands always leaving me." You a snitch! You tell eva'thang! yo'mouf run like goose shit by the moonlight."
My mother blasted blame on me for everything. I was one ungrateful, "luddle black ass SNITCH!" My "mother" always openly hated me at "home", in her house.
When we went out in "public", everything was different. s/he was a "good mother" that never had anything but, undying love for all of her children,
"My LORD! My LORD!" What a LIAR! What a sick scummy whore. World, stupid ass martha jane walters volunteered at an early age to visit graves , digging up "Murdered man's dirt" , to harm any and everyone that caused her jealousy.
Yes, martha jane walters was a common maggot. Actually always knew it, was always secretly proud. Successfully MURDERED her own daddy. Died proud and unrepentant.
Bragged that she aborted five of her own children and flushed them down the toilet. Yes, the low sadist whore always taught us that we were the lucky ones.
One thing for sure, I was brought up in the "Church", was never allowed to miss one Sunday. Did I know I was siting up in there with satan's lowest whore , for eight, nine, ten, eleven hours, every Sunday? No!
I was often confused, but, for some reason, I always believed my lying mother. Was I too dumb, too stupid, too deaf? No!
I still love Christmas. Christmas music still makes my soul sing. I am glad that low whore and most of her fellow minions are dead and rotting in their dirty little graves.
No, lie can live forever. No fake , demon possessed preacher can be honored by the truly righteous. "Come ye out from among them."
Tuesday, December 22, 20/20
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