I am more than happy to admit satan has stalked me for my entire life, Sixty-nine and one half Years!
So? "No weapon formed against me can ever prosper." I learned to meanuver , to duck and dodge. I learned when to "dip". Accidentally married a solid, Bottom FAGGOT! Whew! Mercy! mathy deliberately rendering me incapable of intimacy , saved me from that "Little Richard" Faggot!
Now, that slippery, cunning, conniving viper...s/he had to look in the mirror for Eighty-Eight years. That low 'hoe knew s/he was dispicable! s/he knew her low ass was DEMON POSSESSED!
Unbothered, apparently. The only thing that ever bothered martha jane walters , was exposure, the Truth.
mathy would rage, bludgeon, brutalize, pistol whip, stab, scald, burn, brand , if you so much as hinted, you could see through her bullshit. The best we could ever do, was sit up under this , "sanctified, low, closet, dike, slut" , every muthafuckin' Sunday!
Why? Bitch! Just who did you think you were fooling? You damn sure didn't fool GOD! Bitch, did you ease your conscience? Low whore! You got exactly what your low life deserved! Now ROT!
I know GOD had a purpose for your low life. No, not to take your shit to my grave , as you commanded.
You and your kind are not GOD or gods. You are common! You are low! A white, wormy, slimy maggot would not trade places with you.
Friday, January 22, 2021
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