AWESOME! AWESOME! AWESOME! The orange swine has sung. He said "there will be a peaceful transition of power." Bullshit! The only way that thang is leaving , is dead.
How do I know? "Death" had to take my "mother/birth-ER". The low , volunteer slut for satan, was djt's evil twin. s/he was in full RAGE before her evil, demonic ass fell into a deep coma.
No! martha jane walters, was NEVER telling the Truth about shit (anything)! Never repenting! Why? Was s/he ashamed? Hell no! The low slut was proud, just mad s/he wasn't officially "white".
Yes, dumb ass martha lived her life lusting after "white privilege". Was always envious of the way of the oppressor.
Yes, s/he was a jealous dog! Put UNTRUST, in the word UNTRUSTWORTHY! Then had the damn nerve to rage, beat, brutalize,scald, skin, stab, torment , torture, and cry crocodile tears, when we barely , and oh so humbly, attempted to resist her demonic wrath.
s/he finally died though! Yes! Praise the Living LORD! True, mjw was HORROR UNLEASHED on this good Earth for Eighty-Eight Years! So!? "s/he had to left here one day!"
Sure, s/he could have repented. s/he chose not to, neck too stiff, intellect too low or non existent. Vision microscopic.
Now, there is that orange weasel, little microscopic "dick-ta-tor", RAGING! Screaming! Demanding another term , another opportunity to continue totally "fucking up everything".
My NM (narcissistic mother), low slut , stalked and tracked all of her "live births". That low bitch tried to desperately destroy every good thing we ever achieved. Why? DEMON POSSESSED!
THE LOW SLUT WAS A"ROOT WORKER!" A Conjure-ER, a Soothe sayer! A two legged Viper!
Reverse the curse! "Come ye out from among them."
Be Abundantly Blessed as you learn your Truth and gain the strength to "Tell It".
Thursday, January 7, 2021
Thursday, January 7, 2021
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