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Nat King Cole - Unforgettable

The year was 1982, I remember it clearly. I was upstairs, the top floor of Paul D. West Middle school, in East Point , Georgia.  I was a classroom teacher, certified in social studies, grades 8-12, a T-4 Certificate.

In other words I was a "woke house nigga". Born into the evil clutches of the low slut.  I was on the phone with her (much too long).  Yes, World, I always knew my "mother" hated me. I NEVER trusted her.  True, I bowed to her will much too often , often, out of fear, out of the desire to please her,  s/he , planted in me.  

World,  I was still trying to make the best out of a "Bad situation".

My "Bad situation", being born to my "mother". More like my "Birth-ER", capture-ER, Cage-ER,  my own personal demon possessed VIPER! World, my own "mother" was SO WICKED, most people pretend that I'm lying when I "talk" about her.

Of course , no one wants to know! "My LORD from Zion!" Just who can admit their own mother was INCESTUOUS? AN INCESTUOUS/PEDOPHILE/SOOTHE SAYER/PROSTITUTE/PASTOR, that ultimately MURDERED HER OWN FATHER?

An evil, brutal, savage, sadistic, MURDERING Slut? A full fledged Witch? A Sadistic, confused whore?

Except, "There is a Word from the LORD". This wo/man that so many people still fear, ignore or secretly admire , must be known! S/he must be exposed! If wo/men like martha jane walters hodges doster watson lamoureax, are not exposed, millions , upon millions,  of beautiful, anointed children , like me,  shall continue to suffer needlessly.

World, the pain, the degradation, the unending persecution , beautiful innocent children , are forced to suffer is UNNECESSARY! Everyone in my family knew martha was a PERVERT! Everyone knew that "Bad Seed" was born DEMON POSSESSED!

While I am horrified that s/he did successfully fool,  most people,  for Eighty-eight years, s/he didn't fool everybody.

I rebuke her! I REBUKE that low, lying, sick, psychotic, mongrel monstrosity,  and all like her.  Sneaky, conniving, manipulative, envious, jealous, color struck and Ignorant!

No, as it turned out, mathy never loved me or anyone else. So? GOD got this. That old slut is dead and I get to talk about her stanking dead ass, EVA"DAY!

I digressed, the point I was bragging about, concerned how mathy felt confident. S/he really thought I was the complete fool, that s/he could not be defeated. Sure, s/he knew full well, The HOLY GHOST was protecting me but, her sadistic nature, her impish nature,  kept her up to some sick shit for Eighty-Eight Years!

Which is not very long, when you think about it. My question, was it worth it? Heaven or no heaven, you screwed yourself! Don't hate me for telling! You not only robbed your daddy, your daddy was a good man, truly a man of GOD. Someone sincerely "Unforgetable". None , of your homemade, emasculated perverts and Johns!

I was sharing the sad plight of one my eight grade girls. She was Vietnamese , very beautiful, for her mother was her "pimp". I was disgusted. mathy tried to pretend s/he cared. I knew s/he didn't, that s/he couldn't. That low lying slut tried her best to do the same thing to me, over and over.

So, this "Spirit" came over me, from my lips; "IT IS ALL IN DIVINE ORDER. We all shall pay our just and honest due on this planet Earth."

Ain't GOD good? All the Time! All the Time GOD is good!


Tuesday, January 26, 2021


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