I want "Security"! Of course I do. Why shouldn't I have it? Just what fellow HUE MAN, on this good green Earth, feel they have the right to deprive me?
My birth mother.
Why? Skin color. I was too dark for my mother to love. Never to dark to sexually molest, rape, burn, bludgeon and stalk for sixty-two years.
Who said it would be better for you to be cast into the ocean with a millstone about your neck than to harm the least one of his children?
What low whore was born in Wade, North Carolina, in 1925, and delighted in serving satan in secret, for Eighty-Eight Years?
martha jane walters hodges doster watson lamoureaux
What low, sick, sadistic, incestuous , pedophile, was permitted to destroy her entire family , for eighty-eight horrid, torturous, treacherous years, just because s/he looked white?
martha jane walters hodges doster watson lamoureaux
They all believed a lie! Believed in color, not character. Stupid creatures willing to sit up under lying lecherous "Jesus pimps", if they were the right color. (white only)
Black people may be cursed, alright, but, not from GOD. The HOLY SPIRIT is incapable of hating or lying.
Why would a loving GOD ever hate [HIS] creation? satan crept , slithered into the "Church" , over two thousand years ago, took it captive.
martha jane walters did not creep in, s/he was born in. No matter how s/he got in the Walters family. s/he must be REBUKED! Cast out! Revealed! Exposed! No HUE MAN can serve two masters, you will love one and hate the other.
My poor, ignorant, psychotic, sadistic, perverted "mother" , did both! Preached on Sunday, worked "roots" twenty-four , seven. Why? Little faith in Almighty GOD. Old dumb ass, country ass, light bright and damn near white, mathy jane, put all of her trust in sorcery, witchcraft.
Don't be fooled by dimwitted donnie and his seventy-four million imps. Their time is up. Yes, they shall continue to rage until ....
Friday, January 15, 2021
Friday, January 15, 2021
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