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THAT'S THE WAY I FEEL ABOUT 'CHA (Original Full-Length Album Version) - ...

Exhaling loudly but,  gentle . Rejoicing to the top of my lungs , in my private comfort.  Relieved , my greatest,  malignant  monster,  is finally gone (seven years).

What a relief! While the wo/man,  that did in fact birth me , was horror unleashed, I reaped many Great  benefits.

I do certainly thank The HOLY SPIRIT for saving me from that "Eighteen Wheeler" bearing down on me!

  That common , slick, conniving , sadistic, jealous whore,  deliberately manipulated me into driving a car without any brakes , for over a year! Bitch laughed, (behind my back) , then had the fucking nerve to fume when my GRANDDADDY made that low 'hoe get my brakes fixed with His Money!

Who, what, does that? Creatures! Cretins! Two legged vipers! Hue man Beings born common as bat shit! Flee them! Shun them!

What ever you do, refuse to remain silent as these hue man maggots multiply! They multiply because they deliberately "cannibalize" their own "children". Yes, the low maggots sexually abuse their own infants, babies!

Why? In my case, my low slutty "mother" , put all her faith in satan, volunteered to dig up "Graveyard Dirt". Terrified the fuck out of us,  for daring to think about,  revealing her low, stank ass!

Yes, LORD! I know that it was Your Hand and my granDDADDY's fervent prayers,  that protected me from that lying, "root working" slut !

I was Nineteen! I was Young! I was Beautiful! I was Brilliant! My common, low, maggot of a birther,  decided s/he could determine the path of my life. Fuck you bitch! Stank 'Hoe!

While I am still mad as hell, I am laughing. That stank ass nigger, clarance tom, is married to an old racist 'hoe,  that hired eighty buses, to transport terrorists,  to storm the nation's Capitol.

clarence tom,  is the exact same nigger, that blocked my blessings in 1988! "Your chickens are coming home to roost,  NIGGA!"

No, I can't do any thing about evildoers. I can pray for GOD/The HOLY SPIRIT, to continue, to always protect Me, MINE! I can trust and obey. I can refuse to lie, cloak or cloister a known demon, alive or dead.



Friday, January 22, 2021


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