AWESOME! AWESOME! AWESOME! A low volunteer for satan came to GOD's good , green Earthe and acted the pure demon possessed fool for Eighty-Eight Years!
Yes, World, the low "high yalla" imp was permitted to rape, rob, molest, stalk, conjure, ruin, decimate and even spread her feces. Why? The System of white supremacy, satan's favorite tool.
Yes World, don't you dare fool yourself. Please pray, please think critically! In whose world, is anyone surprised "donald" is being "donald"?
Why can't we tell the Truth? djt is exactly what amerikkka deserves! Yes, that imp, that SUCCUBUS, that MONGREL MONSTROSITY is well earned and well over due.
I know because I suffered from my own personal mongrel monstrosity much too long. Yes, I have been busy pulling back the skin of this dead onion for over seven years. Why?
Children of the Most High , I do believe mjw was certainly a necessary evil. How can or shall any of us ever know the extent, the affects , of all evildoers, unless someone, a Truth Teller like me, spills the beans?
I must admit, I wore a heavy cloak of shame for most of my life. A heavy, cumbersome, funky, smothering, self-hating, blanket, woven and held together by sadistic lies . Yes, World, a sad, volunteer viper got a hold of me from conception. So? The HOLY SPIRIT has never permitted Me to so much as dash my big toe on a stone.
You can carry that Book for show. You can use your false "Christian Walk" to line your pockets, or you can sincerely pray. You can finally read that Book for yourself. Or, you can simply think critically. If one lie is in it, GOD/The HOLY SPIRIT , is not in it!
Saturday, January 9, 2021
Saturday, January 9, 2021
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