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⚡️ Thunderstorm At Sea Sounds For Sleeping, Relaxing ~ Thunder Rain Ocea...


"Ye shall receive Power when The HOLY GHOST comes upon you."

Power! Power! Wonder working Power.

Yes, there is Power, Wonder Working Power in the Blood. I am a WITNESS! I endured to the end! Dear LORD Jesus Christ, Thank You for taking that HORRID, two-legged, common, perverted, sadistic, demon possessed viper,  off of this good Earth , when you did.

Thank You for permitting a sadistic, vacuous , son of satan , to serve as president of these divided states of amerikkka"! Thank you for exposing all of these FOUL, wretched imps, minions, and hue-man filth,  that dare oppose you,  and have occupied the "Church" far too long.

I find it very ironic,  that I catch myself repeating my "mother's" plea,  often; "My LORD from Zion". 

Do know before my "mother" died,  at the ripe old age of Eighty-Eight,  s/he put on a front that "might cudda' ",  fooled Jesus Himself.

s/he was always "sending up timber". Laughing, putting on a show, still bragging about how much money s/he could clip, about all these men that were still trying to get with her , in her EIGHTIES!

Which reminds me; "We walk by Faith and not by sight." Except, that is a lie! Most people walk by sight, especially the "color struck", the jealous, the envious, the none thinker, the deaf, dumb, blind and the bat shit crazy.

My "mother/birth-ER" was BAT SHIT CRAZY! DEMON POSSESSED! Yes,  s/he served as an Ordained Pastor! "My LORD from Zion!" That should not be! DEMON POSSESSED! YES!

"Church", Jesus told us to shun them, NOT embrace them! Yes, my demon controlled, "root working", common,  perverted "mother",  was impossible to shed. No one s/he sunk her claws into could escape her.

martha would actually do something as foul,  as mail you a letter smeared in her own shit, deny that s/he ever did it,  while bragging to all her family and friends, that s/he did it.

Wait, after s/he clapped her hands and squealed like a pig, s/he bragged that s/he, and s/he alone , could scramble any muthafuckers' brains.

Wait before you judge me. I , we, were born into her clutches. We, all of six of us, me and my five brothers SUFFERED IN A LIVING HELL,  FAR TOO LONG!

I REBUKE HER! We were all born without fathers! that low Jezebel whore did that shit on purpose. To this very day, at sixty-nine, the only person to ever call me a black bastard , was my own "mother".

Why? s/he had a shitty life but,  felt "white" enough, privileged enough, to act like "white folks". To lie, persecute, rape, rob,  molest and nobody better not ever say Shit! 

World, mjw was pure demon, sent here to destroy mine, ours, my grandfather's "good name". To steal our anointing. To force us into silence. No slut! I, my GrandDADDY"s favorite Grandchild, am SILENT NO MORE!

For twenty-seven and one half years I watched my GrandDADDY, ROME WALTERS, endure that stanking slut "dawthur",  of his.  s/he was never more than an evil, psychotic, sociopath, a true menace to society. He was long suffering, much too long. martha was bat shit crazy. Because I refused to visit her for Christmas '78, s/he fumed, s/he fussed, s/he raged, THEN THE LOW WHORE FOR sATAN, blasted his heart, clean out! 

I lived in Atlanta, not too far from my "family", my grandfather, but,  far enough away from that piece of shit, stanking whore, low life, lying , maggot, homemade , jealous witch.  I actually found a lot of Joy. So, martha plotted. s/he always plotted against women s/he thought more attractive, more intelligent. martha, pretended to love everyone , while secretly hating and plotting , working "roots" against every one foolish enough to ever trust her.

If you think I'm raging, if my course language is too much for you, "F" you!  (Forget you)  If you demand that I remain silent because my pain disturbs your delicate, privileged, white bread spirit, "F" you.

If you can't care about my story, my plight,  because you have declared that I am unworthy,  because I am too old, too black, too fucked up to be heard; forget you. ITISALLINDIVINEORDER!

It is not about you, it is not about me, it is not about mjw or djt. It is about GOD"S promises. Promises I am standing flat footed on!

Make no mistake, satan and his demons are raging because they know  their time is up.


Monday, January 11, 2021


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