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Lean in...learn something, everybody sitting up in some "Church" every Sunday, ain't right. I can assure you,  by my seventy years of unearned stripes, many are little mini monsters. Liars, reprobates of every sort.

Side note to this note, ladies, pay no attention to the Apostle Paul and his bullshit about marrying , if you can't avoid fornication. Fuck that shit! (LOL)

That is exactly how I ended up marrying a bottom FAGGOT! Ha! Ha! my ass...that shit ain't funny or money.  Wake up beside a man that is a BoniFied SISSY!  see how you feel.  Naw...that shit ain't funny one bit.

Then let the dumb nigger,  be dumb as a post! An read, uninterested in reading,  ILLITERATE!

Anyway, it is all good. To be perfectly honest, if one must be hated, stalked, raped, ruined, robbed, by their own "mother"; Dear LORD please keep a Rome Walters , in the wings! Dear LORD, please plant at least one real Christ Lover in the family of these so called devout, saved, ordained 

LORD, I know they are every where, can't be avoided but, You, only You LORD, can protect!

Of course I , WE, hated the fact, something like trimp , could so easily become president of the United States, behave just like the mongrel idiot , he is and many people still claim to love him.

That doesn't make me sad, that makes me glad. I married an old closet faggot,  that delighted in treating me like shit. That little Pillsbury dough boy , really wanted me to beg him,  to love me! I was horrified! "Fuck you Faggot!" You are too short, too dumb, you don't have any muscle definition, no fucking personality and your dumb ass is rude!

The more I think about it, VOODOO! My damn "root working mama"! How in the World did I fall so low, so fast? My mama! Madame *Wilkins! What a lying, miserable, demon possessed whore!

Bitch! What you meant for bad, GOD meant for good!

So, these so called Evangelicals, just like my mother, plan to ram their of version "Christianity" down everyone else's throat , while not practicing it themselves.

No, evildoers, your time is up. You knowing sold your filthy souls,  to satan , out of obvious envy and jealousy.

My fellow victims,  suddenly developed "selective amnesia" , when the old whore finally died.  Well, they can remain stupid and silent for that dead demon, not I!

There is much liberating Power in the Truth. Why lie? Why lie when the Truth is in your favor?

All I am saying is, what Jesus said, you are not perfect. No one is asking anyone to be perfect, just give people the Truth, the real you. Totally divest of any religion, philosophy, that makes you phony. People, If ypu got to lie to prove to this World you are a perfect praction-ER of that "religion", you are a damn fool.

Sitting up in a building every Sunday,  is a form of entertainment, socialization, "Cultural" enjoyment. Attending , tithing, giving, serving, is for man. If you truly want to do something for GOD, stop lying!

Stop turning your head to child abuse! Stop promoting white supremacy!

Don't be pressured to lie, to deny , because you are the only one in your family that sees differently.

We were born into the clutches of a demon possessed liar! A witch! A known sick, sadistic slut! That is the Truth? Why lie? The bitch is dead! Good! Reverse the Curse!

Black people screaming ; "End racism"! You can't end what You still practice!

Tuesday, February 23, 2021 


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