Discovered this great song traveling on the "Highways and Byways" , with my son-in-law. "Son-in-Law", I like the sound of those words. Wow! True Love is possible. (After all)
No, I never found it. Romantic love always eluded me. The Truth is, I think, "True Love", eludes most people. It has to. Most of US are too messed up.
No, WE don't come here messed up but, this thing called "white supremacy", white Power, racism; is here. It is ENTRENCHED! There seems to be no way out.
WE got "religion" to re-enforce hatred, the "government" to legislate hate and the "school system of indoctrination" to insure nothing ever changes.
There is a way out, however. It involves honesty, Truthfulness. WE could finally have A Wonderful World, A Wonderful World , void of all liars, envious, jealous haters. (If WE can just just convince all liars to stop lying.)
A Wonderful World, minus wo/men like my "birth-ER". Who the FUCK needs an enemy, enemies, prison, torture, snakes, arrows, guns and poisons with volunteer, low sluts, like my "mother"?
Damn! Bitch! Could you have been more IGNORANT! ? Slut! You were straight up Stupid! You can not blame that shit, your shit, on the "white man". Bitch, you conjured, created all the shit, you rotted in, for Eighty-eight years , your damn, deplorable, pathological lying, thieving, self-hating, carnal, superstitious, poorly educated, uncle tomming, coon ass self!
Well, the solution for you, and trimpers, like you, is the Truth. You muthafuckers, hate the Truth. You bitches would rather lie, than ever tell the Truth! You dumb muthfuckers , insist on lying, when you know the Truth is in your favor!
Perhaps it is best, that it did take me , an extremely long time, to finally recognize , how horrid a hue-man being , you actually were. Yes, mathy jane, you are one of those bitches, that will cause a homicide. You did, many times, unfortunately, it was never you.
Thursday, February 25, 2021
Thursday, February 25, 2021
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