This song certainly took me back down "Memory Lane". Dear LORD, thank You for keeping good soothing music in my tender ears, down through these harrowing years.
Yes LORD, this System , WE call white Supremacy, is nothing short of Diabolical , Disgusting, Carnal, Selfish EVIL! This is Totally a Spiritual War, those that lack Faith, seriously believe they can continue practicing the greatest, barbaric, uncivilized cruelty, ever designed by any vile, vulgar, despicable, wo/man.
Those that lack Faith (Confidence) shall succumb to lies, treachery, and shall practice all manner of evil against the person they (secretly) envy, claim to love. That was my "mother", sixty-two yrars of slithering, stalking, plotting, planning, pretending to love.
Of course I rage, how can I not? Finally admitting my own "mother" was the worse possible enemy any wo/man could have. a hue man Maggot! Who knew such a hue man possible?
Those ignorant ass, fucking "Christians", in Wade, North Carolina! My dumb ass family that cloaked for her , and feared, that lying, slutty 'hoe , for Eighty-Eight years. Phony ass, bougie niggas, putting on airs, for white folk, thinking this shit a "racial" issue. No, this shit is Spiritual!
Skin color has nothing to do with one's level of immorality or stupidity! martha always bragged about how white s/he was. a maggot is snow white too , bitch!
Not only would a maggot/hoe bitch, like martha, live the sick , disgusting life, s/he lived, never experience one moment of remorse, most of the lives s/he touched shall remain immoral as well. Immoral not by deeds but, by their "Collective Silence."
i do think most people realize how wrong the System is but, why put their neck out? You will damn sure suffer.
Well, s/he is dead now and I am a much better person for her wasted, wounded, unrepentant, demon possessed life. The low slut did force me to Church. I did get filled with The HOLY GHOST! I did learn to discern, to think critically, to examine and most of all, to know my Truth.
To stand up on little spinly legs, as a TODDLER! I fought back as a BABY , and told on her low, lying, carnal, white ass!
martha jane walters was a Maggot! Pure Maggot! A wo/man of no morals! None! "Not nar'un!"
What does that say about my fellow victims? Are they all cowards, living in denial? Are they neutered survivalist? Who am I to criticize or question? I barely caught on myself. I must say I would have remained blind, and numb to the Truth, too, had not that cunt , Murdered my grandfather.
That's it bitch! Muthafuckin' 'hoe!
See World, that's why I refuse to get any fucking vaccine? What is the fucking rush? Of course I don't trust the Government , that has done nothing but , delight in persecuting me, for the last sixty nine years.
World! You permitted a low common slut to be my mother! Put your foot in my mouth and up my Black ass! Why? Because s/he was Black? You don't want Black people to look bad? You don't want to cause people to hate Black people, more than people already do? Impossible!
The bitch wasn't Black, the slut was white!
Any person of color taking the white man's shot, vaccine might not want to might want to take your time.
Saturday, February 6, 2021
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