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I Hear a Symphony (w/lyrics) ~ The Supremes

Yes LORD, I so finally get it! Finally gaining some better understanding. I was shocked when my five fellow victims refused to stand with me. For far too long I have falsely believed they all have some mysterious, undying love for that sick, sadistic, closet , demon possessed fallen woman , that refused to ever try to get up.

Poor dumb ass martha jane walters perferred to sell "hot pussy", work "roots", rape, rob, main, lie, steal, kill , to remain on top. "Top of the bottom", not even bottom of the top.

While martha was something putrid, pure evil alright, not only did s/he seem to be always protected, s/he was.

I am a witness. "What am seen can't be denied."

My "mother/birther" used to take Us, her small toddler children,  down into the deep woods, into the graveyard , people in Wade, North Carolina , referred to as the "Ki-field{ (Cow Field).  As a matter of fact, martha taught Us how to collect Graveyard Dirt!

Strangely, ironically , martha practiced a "ceremony".  [Yea, this damn demon had the nerve to practice proper protocol ]

First she got down on her knees, (never forget this had to be done under a full moon, etc.), scooped the graveyard dirt up in her right hand, then  threw it over her left shoulder three times, (once) in the name of the Father, (twice) in the name of the Son  and (thrice) , in the name of the Holy Ghost.

Then martha would take that "dirt", "goofer dust" home, cut it, divide it,  then sew it into little red felt bags, anoint with Hoyt's Cologne,   then sell them to every sucker s/he met. At the height of Madame Watson's reign, both sides of Dwain Drive, (Fayetteville, North Carolina) would be lined up with the stupidest people on Earth.

I was the "Door Keeper". At fourteen (years of age), I greeted them at the door, took their names , seated them comfortably as the awaited the "Great Madame Watson{. (LORD, please forgive me. I did not know any better.)

People came from every where seeking lucky hands, lovers, healing, and anything to get "bad luck" off of them. mathy collected money hand over fist. s/he never prospered though. What s/he got was far worse than any scheme s/he hatched ,  or plotted against Me, Us or Rome Walters. 

I have never known too many to say anything against her,  and not regret it terribly. First of all, martha was always extremely violent. Always! Always extremely sneaky, conniving, untrustworthy , a born thief, an expert pathological liar. Mostly,  martha was demon possessed, as s/he should have been. s/he was definitely the devil's disciple .

I got up early , again this morning thankful, grateful, humbled . Yes, still tormented , (somewhat). Not, nearly as bad as before, Why ? " Learning my Truth. Truth my ignorant, terrified, straight out of slavery family,  refused to share with Me, with Us.

Pure Evil!
Demon Possessed!
pathological liar!
Color Struck!
Vexation of the Spirit!
Closet Lesbian!
Lucifer in drag!

These are all the characteristics of my "mother".  If being born into the clutches of Horror Unleashed , being help captive by her,  and her kind , for Sixty-nine years and nine months, one question remains.

Why? Not , why s/he always did,  what s/he did, why was s/he kept a secret? Why was that slut ordained? Why couldn't more people see through her? 

GOD said they could and they can. It is not mathy's sick , demon possessed image , my fellow victims are attempting to protect, they are protecting themselves. Yes, it is quite obvious that "mathy jane" involved my brothers in some ****! Some **** , so horrifying they refuse to face it. Prefer denial.

That is not the solution. Pray to heal! Pray to reconnect. Pray to hate that bitch! Pray to rebuke her and all of her kind!


Saturday, March 6, 2021


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