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JUNIOR WALKER and the ALLSTARS - "WHAT DOES IT TAKE" (to win your love) ...The Million Dollar Question

What does it really take for this World to finally realize far too many hue-mans like my "birth-ER" and don the volunteer dimwit , exist?  Not only exist but , are multiplying uncontrollably , as I type.

It is going to take more than weak, wimpy families , like mine, families that are so ashamed to be afflicted by a full fledged like demon possessed whore like martha jane walters, most of us chose, choose,  to live in complete denial. 

"It didn't happen! No! WE had a loving mother. She loved us! She took us to Church! She was a Good Woman! She was Virtuous! " All lies from satan's dirty mouth!

i won't! I can't! I hate that Slut!  World, marhta jane walters was a full fledged Freak! A stank,  nasty Whore! An Incestuous Pedophile that controlled , pestered, poisoned, vexed, violated her entire family , and every one that dared to try and love her,  for Eighty-Eight Years!

World, that should not be! Yet it is. World, a poor, fresh out of "Chattel Slavery" couple, gave birth to a hue-man DEMON!  I've spent Sixty-nine years and nine months,  trying to untangle, trying to extracate , remove Myself , from the  entrenched, demon possessed Clutches,  that birthed Me,  to be her "punching bag".

Stank, low whore, piece of dog shit!

Yes, s/he did! Low Slut! Never did anything but bludgeon small animals, start fires, sexually molest and rape small children and infants from the "jump"!  Yes, World , marha jane walters was HORROR UNLEASHED!

Soff her fine raiment. Martha preached at Simon Temple on Yadkin Road, in Fayetteville, North Carolina, just to show off her Cadillac.

For over thirty years, Rev Watson, made sure her Cadillac was not only sparkling clean, inside and out, s/he had premiere parking.  Rev. Watson sat in only the best seats, only ate at the head table.  And was Welcome! I'm telling you, the low whore for satan was no welcome in GOD's house.

The fact that "Church" let mathyin let her preach, let her lead, proves, ain't no GOD in Simon Temple!

Why? How, can a wo/man , as low, as fallen, as corrupt, as sick and demented , as my "birth-ER" , not only preach under ordination for over thirty  but, die Proud!? Totally Unrepentant!

It is prophesied , foretold! No matter, that Slut , took her time and spewed her lying, racist, color struck venom,  on me , on my brothers, on my family, to the very end. A low whore that turned bonified Witch! A Conjure wo/man that sold "hot pussy" on the side , while anointing her "noble subjects"  with "Holy Olive Oil". Sprinkled "goofer dust" on every one , the low volunteer whore for satan,  was jealous of.

I'm telling you family, folks saddled with scum like martha jane walters and donald judas trimp, REBUKE THEM!!! Cast them out of Your precious life! 

I rebuke all low life imps!  I rebuke all blind followers of evil!  I hate you! I love hating your stanking , lying asses! You are not GOD, you are not gods! You are a bunch of maggots! mathy is finally dead enjoying a maggot's reward because the low whore finally got exactly what s/he deserves, Nothing!

Friday, March 5, 2021


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