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Rastaman Vibration - BOB MARLEY - CONCERT -SANTA BARBARA 1979

Look at Me! Not only have I survived her, her kind, I have thrived. I AM THRIVING,  as I heal from this World's greatest Whore, greatest closet Venomous Viper!

Dear Children of the Most High GOD , I know I am not alone in my deep, excruciating, unending pain. Pain brought to me, pain saddled onto me, tied to me , pain that crippled Us.  Pain the Church said We had to carry because We made the mistake of being born Black. 

Secret pain known only  to Us, Pain brought to Us by   Our very own MOTHERS!

World, a "skeezer" birthed me! Didn't want Me! Had the damn nerve to hate me, to always carry (secret) hatred and resentment in her voice, in her corrupt  heart towards Me, towards Us.

Never did anything but call Us; "BLACK ASS FUCKING NIGGERS!  I HATE THE DAY I HAD YOU!"

Yes, World that is what Our "mother" said to Us in private.

"Don't none of you Black Muthafuckers eva'tell a muthfucking thang dat go on in dis house!"  So, We didn't. So, the low whore for satan always pretended to love us. Always slathered verbal love on us. No money.   No, s/he never admitted it, much too much a pathological liar,  mind you. If mathy jane smelled money on you, s/he took it "by hook or crook" immediately.

Get a sincere compliment from anyone around diseased brain, common as bat shit mathy, immediate insults and curses would spew from her lying, jealous, sadistic, demon possessed  mouth, 

Yes, World, martha jane walters was an anti-mother, a child rapist, a "Chester the molester". A very deeply disturbed , common ass woman.

So, why did s/he preach? For cover, for money,  and mainly to mock GOD! martha was so delighted by her evil "gifts" s/he forgot the costs.

The low whore preached from her Cherry picked Bible. The only scripture mathy like , was scripture s/he could easily slay with.

The low whore for satan worshipped her own white skin, her own thin straight hair.

The low whore for satan convinced her lying self that s/he could do anything, any where, any time , to anyone,  that was Black. No, s/he fully believed you had to be Black.

Yes, World, my dumb ass "mother", birth-ER, really believed GOD was white, hated all people of color and s/he could do anything to any and all Black people  and GOD would not care.

No, I don't believe the low coward ever dared to harm a white person in her Eighty-Eight years of slithering, raping, robbing, molesting, burning, branding, scalding, scarring, scorching this good Earth.

But s/he is caught now, Exposed! No, s/he can't repent , s/he deliberately blew that opportunity trying to please satan.

 Sure s/he lied claimed s/her "prayed" for her racist boss and GOD rotted his asshole out, for her. Yes, for her! Delusion ass, sick ass, sadist ass martha jane has nothing but,  the imps still stupid enough to fear and honor,  that dead piece of shit.

I don't!

I won't!

I REBUKE that Slut!

I dance on her damn, unrepentant grave!

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

It is true, hardheaded, stiff neck, immoral, common as a maggot martha was NEVER wrong, was NEVER going to be admonished, punished, corrected or even sincerely loved by ANYONE, Ever!

Why? Dumb ass, ignorant ass, superstitious ass, envious, jealous, perverted, carnal, common , "no-mannus", fresh out of Slavery, high yalla ass, TURNED TO THE PRACTICE OF VOODOO because s/he was of little faith, dull understanding and s/he was DEMON POSSESSED!


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